
Molecular Pathogens 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 50-60 54 without the symbionts. Fluorescence microscopy revealed these endosymbionts within the fungal hyphae, further supporting their integral role. Additionally, phylogenetic analysis demonstrated the close relationships between Mortierella symbionts and other bacteria, emphasizing the specific association with Burkholderia-related endosymbionts. The growth comparison highlighted that symbiotic M. verticillata exhibited distinct characteristics compared to the cured strain, showcasing the influence of these bacterial symbionts on the host fungus. 5 Advantages and Limitations 5.1 Benefits over traditional methods Microbial predators, such as Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus and Micavibrio aeruginosavorus, offer several advantages over traditional antibiotic treatments. One significant benefit is their ability to target and kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which is increasingly important in the face of rising multidrug-resistant (MDR) infections (Shatzkes et al., 2016). Unlike antibiotics, which often have a broad-spectrum effect and can disrupt beneficial microbiota, predatory bacteria are more selective, preying specifically on pathogenic bacteria and thereby preserving the host's beneficial microbial communities (Mosca et al., 2016). Additionally, predatory bacteria do not replicate outside their prey, reducing the risk of developing resistance. This specificity and reduced likelihood of resistance make microbial predators a promising alternative to conventional antibiotics. 5.2 Potential challenges Despite their promising benefits, the use of microbial predators in disease management faces several challenges. One major concern is the safety and potential side effects of introducing predatory bacteria into the human body. Although initial studies have shown that predatory bacteria do not cause adverse effects or significant immune responses in animal models, comprehensive safety assessments in humans are still needed. Another challenge is the variability in predatory efficiency across different environments and host conditions. For instance, the effectiveness of predatory bacteria can be influenced by the presence of other microbial communities and the specific conditions of the infection site (Summers and Kreft, 2022). Additionally, the potential for prey bacteria to develop resistance mechanisms against predation, although less likely than antibiotic resistance, remains a concern (Sydney et al., 2021). 5.3 Strategies to overcome limitations To address these challenges, several strategies can be employed. Extensive clinical trials are necessary to thoroughly evaluate the safety and efficacy of predatory bacteria in humans. These trials should include diverse patient populations and infection types to ensure comprehensive safety data. Combining predatory bacteria with other therapeutic approaches, such as antibiotics or phage therapy, could enhance their effectiveness and reduce the likelihood of resistance development (Fernández et al., 2018). Additionally, genetic engineering of predatory bacteria to enhance their predatory capabilities and adaptability to different environments could improve their therapeutic potential. Finally, mathematical modeling and in vitro studies can help predict the dynamics of predator-prey interactions and optimize treatment protocols. By addressing these challenges through rigorous research and innovative strategies, microbial predators can become a viable and effective tool in the fight against antibiotic-resistant infections and other microbial diseases. 6 Case Studies 6.1 Successful applications in agriculture Microbial predators have shown significant promise in agricultural applications, particularly in enhancing crop yields and managing plant diseases. For instance, microbiome research has led to the development of various products and methodologies that have positively impacted the agrifood system. These include the use of microorganisms as soil fertilizers and plant strengtheners, as well as tools to manage diseases and pathogens in crops. Such applications have not only improved crop productivity but also contributed to economic and societal benefits. Additionally, biocontrol strategies utilizing microbial agents have been effective in modulating plant