
Molecular Pathogens 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 83-92 88 growth-promoting agent further adds to the complexity of accurate diagnosis (Bragard et al., 2023). Additionally, the genetic diversity and adaptability of P. ananatis, driven by the plasticity of its genome and the integration of mobile genetic elements, can result in variations in pathogenicity and virulence, making it difficult to develop universal diagnostic tools (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017). Early diagnosis is also hindered by the lack of comprehensive genome data for many strains of P. ananatis, which limits the development of targeted diagnostic assays and breeding strategies for resistant cultivars (Kini et al., 2020). Therefore, continuous efforts in genomic research and the development of more sophisticated diagnostic tools are essential to overcome these challenges and improve the management of Pantoea ananatis in agricultural settings. 6 Management and Control Strategies 6.1 Cultural practices and field management Cultural practices and field management are essential in mitigating the impact of Pantoea ananatis on wheat fields. Effective strategies include crop rotation, which helps break the life cycle of the pathogen by alternating wheat with non-host crops. Additionally, maintaining proper field hygiene by removing plant debris and infected plant material can reduce the inoculum load in the field (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017; Krawczyk et al., 2020a). Implementing these practices can significantly lower the incidence of P. ananatis infections. 6.2 Chemical control methods Chemical control methods involve the use of bactericides to manage P. ananatis infections. However, the effectiveness of chemical treatments can vary, and there is a need for targeted research to identify the most effective compounds. Current studies suggest that copper-based bactericides and antibiotics like streptomycin may offer some control over the pathogen (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017; Bragard et al., 2023). It is crucial to follow integrated pest management (IPM) principles to avoid the development of resistance and ensure sustainable use of chemical controls. 6.3 Biological control and resistance breeding Biological control and resistance breeding are promising strategies for managing P. ananatis. The use of lytic bacteriophages has shown success in controlling P. ananatis on certain crops, such as rice (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017). Additionally, exploiting the natural antagonistic properties of certain Pantoea strains can provide a biological control mechanism (Coutinho and Venter, 2009). Resistance breeding involves developing wheat cultivars that are resistant to P. ananatis through traditional breeding methods or genetic engineering. Understanding the genetic basis of resistance and incorporating resistant genes into commercial wheat varieties can offer long-term solutions to managing this pathogen (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017; Kini et al., 2020; Choi et al., 2022). By integrating these management and control strategies, it is possible to mitigate the impact of Pantoea ananatis on wheat fields and ensure sustainable wheat production. 7 Challenges in Managing Pantoea ananatis 7.1 Resistance development and management The management of Pantoea ananatis in wheat fields is complicated by the bacterium's ability to develop resistance to various control measures. The genetic plasticity of P. ananatis allows it to adapt to different environments and hosts, which can lead to the emergence of resistant strains. For instance, the bacterium's genome contains mobile genetic elements that facilitate the acquisition of resistance genes (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017). Additionally, the use of resistant wheat cultivars has been one of the primary methods of control, but the effectiveness of this strategy can be compromised by the bacterium's ability to overcome plant resistance mechanisms (Weller-Stuart et al., 2017). The development of resistance in P. ananatis necessitates continuous monitoring and the development of new resistant cultivars to keep pace with the evolving pathogen.