
Molecular Pathogens 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 61-71 69 vectors, and nucleic acid vaccines hold great potential for creating vaccines that are not only effective but also safe and easy to produce and distribute. For researchers and developers, it is essential to continue exploring and integrating novel vaccine technologies, such as nanoparticle-based vaccines, viral vectors, and nucleic acid vaccines, to address the limitations of traditional vaccines. Collaboration between human and veterinary medicine should be encouraged to leverage the One Health approach, which can lead to more comprehensive and effective vaccine solutions. Policymakers and funding agencies should prioritize investment in vaccine research and development, particularly for emerging and re-emerging pathogens, to ensure preparedness for future outbreaks. Additionally, efforts should be made to improve vaccine accessibility and distribution, especially in low- and middle-income countries, to achieve global health equity. Finally, continuous monitoring and evaluation of vaccine safety and efficacy are necessary to maintain public trust and ensure the long-term success of vaccination programs. Acknowledgments Author thanks the reviewers for their relevant suggestions on this manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Afrough B., Dowall S., and Hewson R., 2019. Emerging viruses and current strategies for vaccine intervention, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 196: 157-166. Aida V., Pliasas V., Neasham P., North J., McWhorter K., Glover S., and Kyriakis C., 2021, Novel vaccine technologies in veterinary medicine: a herald to human medicine vaccines, Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8: 654289. Allam A., Elbayoumy M., and Ghazy A., 2023, Perspective vaccines for emerging viral diseases in farm animals, Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research, 12: 179-192. Bernstein D., Guptill J., Naficy A., Nachbagauer R., Berlanda-Scorza F., Feser J., Wilson P., Solórzano A., Wielen M., Walter E., Albrecht R., Buschle K., Chen Y., Claeys C., Dickey M., Dugan H., Ermler M., Freeman D., Gao M., Gast C., Guthmiller J., Hai R., Henry C., Lan L., McNeal M., Palm A., Shaw D., Stamper C., Sun W., Sutton V., Tepora M., Wahid R., Wenzel H., Wohlbold T., Innis B., García-Sastre A., Palese P., and Krammer F., 2019, Immunogenicity of chimeric haemagglutinin-based, universal influenza virus vaccine candidates: interim results of a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 1 clinical trial, The Lancet, Infectious Diseases, 20: 80-91. Bok K., Sitar S., Graham B., and Mascola J., 2021, Accelerated COVID-19 vaccine development: milestones, lessons, and prospects, Immunity, 54: 1636-1651. Brake D., Kuhn J., Marsh G., Beer M., and Fine J., 2021, Challenges and opportunities in the use of high and maximum biocontainment facilities in developing and licensing Risk Group 3 and Risk Group 4 agent veterinary vaccines, ILAR Journal, 61(1): 46-61. Brisse M., Vrba S., Kirk N., Liang Y., and Ly H., 2020, Emerging concepts and technologies in vaccine development, Frontiers in Immunology, 11: 583077. Celis-Giraldo C., López-Abán J., Muro A., Patarroyo M., and Manzano-Román R., 2021, Nanovaccines against Animal Pathogens: The Latest Findings, Vaccines, 9(9): 988. Corey L., Mascola J., Fauci A., and Collins F., 2020, A strategic approach to COVID-19 vaccine R&D, Science, 368: 948-950. Damme P., Coster I., Bandyopadhyay A., Revets H., Withanage K., Smedt P., Suykens L., Oberste M., Weldon W., Costa-Clemens S., Clemens R., Modlin J., Weiner A., Macadam A., Andino R., Kew O., Konopka-Anstadt J., Burns C., Konz J., Wahid R., and Gast C., 2019, The safety and immunogenicity of two novel live attenuated monovalent (serotype 2) oral poliovirus vaccines in healthy adults: a double-blind, single-centre phase 1 study, Lancet (London, England), 394: 148-158.