
Molecular Pathogens 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 61-71 67 accelerating vaccine access globally (Pagliusi et al., 2019). Additionally, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the International Vaccine Institute (IVI) have reported on new strategies to ensure rapid progress in the development of innovative vaccines for emerging diseases such as MERS and Zika (Pagliusi et al., 2018). The COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the importance of international partnerships. The Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV) public-private partnership, spearheaded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), exemplifies how collaboration among industry, government, and academia can accelerate vaccine development and distribution Corey (Corey et al., 2020). Similarly, nearly one-third of COVID-19 vaccine candidates were developed through partnerships, emphasizing the critical role of collaborative efforts in leveraging next-generation vaccine platforms (Druedahl et al., 2021). 6.2 Role of government and non-governmental organizations Governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have been pivotal in supporting vaccine development initiatives. The UK Government, for instance, established the UK Vaccine Network to address emerging disease threats and streamline the vaccine development process. This initiative led to the creation of a Veterinary Vaccine Development Process Map, which outlines the steps from target product profile generation to product development and registration, thereby identifying potential bottlenecks and facilitating a rapid response to pandemics (Francis, 2020). Organizations such as Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, have also contributed significantly by improving the supply base from manufacturers in developing countries and enhancing global vaccine access and immunization coverage (Pagliusi et al., 2018). The World Health Organization (WHO) has been actively involved in regulatory convergence initiatives, such as the WHO Collaborative Registration Procedure, which aims to accelerate vaccine registration and access in developing countries (Pagliusi et al., 2019). 6.3 Global funding and support programs Global funding and support programs are essential for sustaining vaccine development efforts. The success of the US government-led operation to accelerate COVID-19 vaccine development underscores the importance of substantial financial investment and the mobilization of public and private sector resources (Bok et al., 2021). Funding mechanisms have been crucial in supporting the rapid development and deployment of vaccines, as seen with the adenovirus-vectored vaccine technology platform proposed for controlling Newcastle Disease Virus infections in Sub-Saharan Africa (Farnós et al., 2020). Moreover, the integration of economic and social data into vaccine development processes can enhance resource allocation and disease management. By learning from human vaccinology, the veterinary field can better utilize socio-economic data to prioritize vaccine development and implementation, ultimately improving the effectiveness and reach of vaccination programs (Thomas et al., 2019). In conclusion, global collaboration, the active involvement of governments and NGOs, and robust funding mechanisms are vital components in the development and distribution of veterinary vaccines for emerging pathogens. These efforts ensure that vaccines are developed efficiently, distributed equitably, and accessible to all regions, thereby enhancing global health security. 7 Future Directions in Veterinary Vaccine Development 7.1 Emerging technologies and innovations The landscape of veterinary vaccine development is rapidly evolving with the advent of new technologies and innovative approaches. Nanotechnology, for instance, is playing a pivotal role in the creation of nanovaccines, which utilize nanoparticles such as self-assembling proteins, virus-like particles, liposomes, virosomes, and polymeric nanoparticles. These nanovaccines offer enhanced antigen delivery and immunostimulatory properties,