
Molecular Microbiology Research 2024, Vol.14, No.6, 277-289 282 Digu (upland rice), encodes a C2H2-type TF, which is directly regulated by a MYB family TF. These two TFs regulate expression of H2O2-degradation enzymes to accomplish resistance to M. oryzae, constituting a novel mechanism employed by rice blast resistance (Figure 4) (Li et al, 2017). Recently, the fine-mapping of a novel QTL for blast resistance in upland rice variety UR0803, enhanced the genetic understanding of the mechanism of blast resistance in upland rice (Tan et al., 2022). Figure 3 Phylogenetic tree of rice accessions (Adopted from Lyu et al., 2014) Image caption: Green, black and orange branches refer to upland, irrigated and wild accessions respectively. Analysis showed that differentiation between Indica and Japonica has existed within the wild population, since there are strains of wild rice close to both Indica and Japonica respectively, supporting the double domestication model. The tree shows multiple origins for upland rice, though the upland japonicas may bear a single origin. Bootstrap values are indicated in some of the major internal nodes. Some of the leaf nodes are labeled with the sample number of the rice accessions. ‘ru’ refers to ‘rufipogon’, and ‘ni’ refers to ‘nivara’ (Adopted from Lyu et al., 2014) 4.3 Diversity analysis using molecular markers Molecular markers have been instrumental in analyzing the genetic diversity of rice. GWAS and QTL mapping have identified several genes and genomic regions associated with drought resistance and other adaptive traits. Compared with conventional gene targeting methods, GWAS of rice can accomplish the detection of high-density