
Bt Research 2024, Vol.15, No.4, 183-192 186 Furthermore, taxonomically restricted genes (TRGs) in Bacillus species, which are unique to specific lineages, have been identified and are thought to contribute to lineage-specific biological properties (Karłowski et al., 2023). Figure 1 Genome of B. thuringiensis strain GR007. (A) Circular maps of chromosome and plasmids. The distribution of circles from outside to inside indicate CDS forward, CDS reverse, COG functional assignation, GC skew, GC content. The pathogenic islands (PAI) identified are indicated in the plasmids pGR340 and pGR157. (B) Representation of PAIs. Pesticidal proteins are represented in green arrows, transposases in blue arrows and additional ORF into the PAIs with purple arrows (Adopted from Pacheco et al., 2021)