
Bt Research 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 141-153 151 and evolutionary history of Bt also aids in predicting the potential environmental impacts of Bt applications and in developing strategies to mitigate any adverse effects. Future research on Bt should focus on several key areas to further advance our understanding and application of this important bacterium. There is a need for more extensive genome sequencing and comparative genomic analyses to identify novel genes and genetic elements that contribute to the insecticidal and environmental properties of Bt. These studies should include a diverse range of Bt strains from different ecological niches to capture the full spectrum of genetic diversity. The mechanisms of HGT and recombination in Bt should be studied in greater detail to understand how these processes facilitate the rapid adaptation and evolution of Bt strains. This could involve the use of advanced molecular techniques such as CRISPR/Cas9 to investigate the genetic regulation of HGT and recombination events. Research should explore the potential of Bt beyond pest control, including its use in medical applications, such as cancer treatment, and its role in promoting plant growth and bioremediation. Interdisciplinary studies that integrate phylogenetic research with ecological, environmental, and agricultural sciences will be crucial for developing sustainable and environmentally friendly biopesticide strategies. Such studies will help ensure that Bt remains a valuable tool in integrated pest management and other biotechnological applications. Acknowledgments The MicroSci publisher thanks the two anonymous peer reviewers for their careful review and helpful suggestions on the manuscript of this study. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Baek J., Lee S., Cho T., Kim S.W., Kim M., Yoon Y., Kim K.K., Byun J., Kim S.J., Jeong J., and Shin H.S., 2019, Neural circuits underlying a psychotherapeutic regimen for fear disorders, Nature, 566(7744): 339-343. Barbosa L., Farias D., Silva I., Melo F., Ribeiro B., and Aguiar R., 2015, Draft genome sequence of Bacillus thuringiensis 147 a Brazilian strain with high insecticidal activity, Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 110: 822-823. Belousova M.E., Malovichko Y.V., Shikov A.E., Nizhnikov A.A., and Antonets K.S., 2021, Dissecting the environmental consequences of Bacillus thuringiensis application for natural ecosystems, Toxins, 13(5): 355. Birolli W.G., dos Santos A., Pilau E., and Rodrigues-Filho E., 2021, New role for a commercially available bioinsecticide: Bacillus thuringiensis berliner biodegrades the pyrethroid cypermethrin, Environmental Science and Technology, 55(8): 4792-4803. de Oliveira J.L., Fraceto L.F., Bravo A., and Polanczyk R.A., 2021, Encapsulation strategies for Bacillus thuringiensis: from now to the future, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69(16): 4564-4577. Geng P., Zhao P., Wan X., Mahillon J., Hu Y., Gong Y., and Hu X., 2023, Interspecies horizontal transfer and specific integration of the mosquitocidal toxin-encoding plasmid pTAND672-2 from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis to Lysinibacillus sphaericus, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 89(2): e01652-22. Gomis-Cebolla J., and Berry C., 2023, Bacillus thuringiensis as a biofertilizer in crops and their implications in the control of phytopathogens and insect pests.Pest Management Science, 79(9): 2992-3001. Hinnekens P., Koné K.M., Fayad N., Leprince A., and Mahillon J., 2019, pXO16 the large conjugative plasmid fromBacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis displays an extended host spectrum, Plasmid, 102: 46-50. Jouzani G.S., Valijanian E., and Sharafi R., 2017, Bacillus thuringiensis: a successful insecticide with new environmental features and tidings, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 101: 2691-2711.