
Bt Research 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 131-140 138 approval process for new biopesticide products. Thirdly, investment in domestic fermentation technologies and improved quality control measures can address production challenges, particularly in regions like India. Fourthly, increasing awareness among farmers about the benefits of biopesticides and providing education on their use can enhance adoption rates. Besides, more field research is needed to assess the effectiveness of new Bt strains and formulations under diverse cropping systems and environmental conditions. By addressing these areas, the potential of Bt-based biopesticides can be fully realized, contributing to sustainable agricultural practices and reduced reliance on chemical pesticides. Acknowledgments The author would like to thank two anonymous peer reviewers for their feedback and suggestions on the manuscript of this study. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Ayele S., 2005, Biotechnology generation, delivery and adoption: the case of Bt biopesticide in Egypt, International Journal of Technology Management, 4: 75-91. Bailey K., Boyetchko S., and Laengle T., 2010, Social and economic drivers shaping the future of biological control: a Canadian perspective on the factors affecting the development and use of microbial biopesticides, Biological Control, 52: 221-229. Balog A., Hartel T., Loxdale H., and Wilson K., 2017, Differences in the progress of the biopesticide revolution between the EU and other major crop-growing regions, Pest Management Science, 73(11): 2203-2208. PMid:28470963 Brar S., Verma M., Tyagi R., and Valéro J., 2006, Recent advances in downstream processing and formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis based biopesticides, Process Biochemistry, 41: 323-342. Bravo A., Likitvivatanavong S., Gill S.S., and Soberón M., 2011, Bacillus thuringiensis: a story of a successful bioinsecticide, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 41(7): 423-431. PMid:21376122 PMCid:PMC3689885 Chandler D., Bailey A., Tatchell G., Davidson G., Greaves J., and Grant W., 2011, The development, regulation and use of biopesticides for integrated pest management, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 366: 1987-1998. PMid:21624919 PMCid:PMC3130386 Czaja K., Góralczyk K., Struciński P., Hernik A., Korcz W., Minorczyk M., Łyczewska M., and Ludwicki J., 2015, Biopesticides-towards increased consumer safety in the European Union, Pest Management Science, 71(1): 3-6. PMid:24831175 Damalas C., and Koutroubas S., 2018, Current status and recent developments in biopesticide use, Agriculture, 8(1): 13. Devi P., Duraimurugan P., and Chandrika K., 2019, Bacillus thuringiensis-based nanopesticides for crop protection, In: Koul O. (ed.), Nano-biopesticides today and future perspectives, Academic Press, USA, pp.249-260. Fletcher S., Reeves P., Hoang B., and Mitter N., 2020, A perspective on RNAi-based biopesticides, Frontiers in Plant Science, 11: 51. PMid:32117388 PMCid:PMC7028687 Greaves J., 2009, Biopesticides, regulatory innovation and the regulatory state, Public Policy and Administration, 24: 245-264. Gupta S., and Dikshit A., 2010, Biopesticides: an ecofriendly approach for pest control, Journal of Biopesticides, 3: 186-188. Hernandez-Tenorio F., Miranda A., Rodríguez C., Giraldo-Estrada C., and Sáez A., 2022, Potential strategies in the biopesticide formulations: a bibliometric analysis, Agronomy, 12(11): 2665.