
Bt Research 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 131-140 135 5 Market Adoption of Bt-based Biopesticides 5.1 Factors influencing market adoption The market adoption of Bt-based biopesticides is influenced by several factors, including regulatory frameworks, farmer awareness, and the perceived efficacy of these products. Regulatory barriers are a significant challenge, as biopesticides are often subjected to the same stringent regulations as chemical pesticides, which can be costly and time-consuming to navigate (Chandler et al., 2011; Sansinenea, 2016; Keswani et al., 2019). Additionally, the lack of awareness and education among farmers about the benefits and proper use of biopesticides hampers their adoption. Farmers often perceive biopesticides as less effective compared to chemical pesticides, which further slows their market penetration (Marrone, 2007; Marrone, 2019; Kumar et al., 2019). 5.2 Case studies of successful adoption Despite these challenges, there have been successful cases of Bt-based biopesticide adoption. For instance, in India, several Bt-based products have been registered and are being used effectively against various pests. Over 30 products based on Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) subsp. kurstaki are registered for use against bollworms and other lepidopterans, while products based on Bt subsp. israelensis and Bt subsp. sphaericus are used against mosquitoes (Kumar et al., 2019). These successful adoptions are often driven by strong regulatory support, effective farmer education programs, and the integration of biopesticides into Integrated Pest Management (IPM) systems (Gupta and Dikshit, 2010; Sansinenea, 2016). 5.3 Barriers to market entry The primary barriers to market entry for Bt-based biopesticides include stringent regulatory requirements, high costs of registration, and the need for extensive efficacy data (Chandler et al., 2011; Balog et al., 2017; Keswani et al., 2019). In the European Union, for example, the complex regulatory environment has resulted in fewer biopesticide-active substances being registered compared to other regions like the United States and India (Balog et al., 2017). Additionally, the perception of biopesticides as less effective and more expensive than chemical pesticides further impedes their market entry (Marrone, 2007; Marrone, 2019). Overcoming these barriers requires coordinated efforts between policymakers, researchers, and industry stakeholders to streamline regulatory processes and enhance farmer education and support systems. 6 Strategies to Enhance Market Adoption 6.1 Policy and regulatory recommendations To enhance the market adoption of Bt-based biopesticides, it is crucial to streamline and adapt regulatory frameworks to better accommodate these products. Current regulations often mirror those for chemical pesticides, which can be unnecessarily stringent for biopesticides. Simplifying the registration process and providing clear guidelines specific to biopesticides can facilitate quicker market entry and wider adoption (Gupta and Dikshit, 2010; Sansinenea, 2016; Damalas and Koutroubas, 2018). Additionally, offering incentives for the development and registration of low-risk biopesticides can encourage innovation and investment in this sector (Greaves, 2009; Damalas and Koutroubas, 2018). Regulatory bodies should also consider adopting a more proactive stance, negotiating new policy spaces, and promoting the use of biopesticides through executive interventions (Greaves, 2009). 6.2 Public awareness and education Increasing public awareness and education about the benefits and safety of Bt-based biopesticides is essential for their market adoption. Farmers and consumers need to be informed about the environmental and health advantages of biopesticides compared to chemical pesticides (Ayele, 2005; Gupta and Dikshit, 2010). Extension services and demonstration projects can play a significant role in this regard, showcasing the efficacy and safety of Bt biopesticides in real-world settings (Ayele, 2005). Educational campaigns should also address common misconceptions and provide training on the proper use and integration of biopesticides into pest management programs (Marrone, 2019). By building confidence and knowledge among stakeholders, the adoption of Bt-based biopesticides can be significantly enhanced.