
Bt Research 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 118-130 123 Figure 3 Flowchart describing the training and classification procedures implemented in the PlasFlow (Adopted from Krawczyk et al., 2018) Image caption: This diagram illustrates the process of model training and classification for plasmid and chromosome sequences. The left part describes the model training process, using RefSeq genomes and plasmid data. Sequence fragments are generated with K-mer counts, which are then used to create training and testing datasets. TF-IDF and neural networks are applied for training and evaluation. The right part shows the classification process, where sequences from the dataset of interest are input into the model. A voting classifier calculates the average probabilities from models with different K-mer lengths and classifies sequences based on set thresholds. Finally, sequences are assigned to plasmid, chromosome, or unclassified categories (Adopted from Krawczyk et al., 2018) 5.3 Correlation with environmental factors The distribution and diversity of plasmids are closely linked to environmental factors, which shape the genetic landscape of bacterial communities. Plasmids provide a means for bacteria to rapidly acquire and disseminate genes that confer advantages under specific environmental conditions. For instance, the presence of heavy metals in the environment can select for plasmids carrying genes involved in heavy-metal resistance, as demonstrated by the analysis of microbial mats in contaminated sites (Krawczyk et al., 2018). Furthermore, the ecological dynamics of plasmids are influenced by their host range and mobility. Plasmids with a broad host range and high mobility are more likely to spread across different environments, facilitating the exchange of genetic material between diverse bacterial communities. This is supported by the observation that mobile plasmids are central to gene-sharing networks, playing a crucial role in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes and other adaptive traits (Tamminen et sl., 2012). In summary, the comparative analysis of plasmid profiles in bacterial isolates from different habitats reveals a complex interplay between genetic diversity, environmental factors, and bacterial adaptation. Plasmids serve as key vehicles for the horizontal transfer of genes, enabling bacteria to rapidly respond to changing environmental conditions and maintain their ecological fitness. Understanding the diversity and distribution of plasmids across various habitats is essential for developing strategies to mitigate the spread of antibiotic resistance and other plasmid-mediated traits.