
Bt Research 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 96-109 104 Market considerations also include the potential for market monopolies, where a few large companies control the majority of the market for Bt crops with stacked genes. This can reduce competition and innovation, potentially leading to higher prices and reduced choices for farmers. Furthermore, the reliance on a limited number of Bt crops with stacked genes can increase the risk of widespread pest resistance, which could undermine the long-term sustainability and economic viability of these crops (Ainley et al., 2013). 7 Future Directions in Gene Stacking 7.1 Emerging technologies The future of gene stacking in Bt crops is poised to benefit significantly from emerging technologies, particularly advancements in genome editing tools such as CRISPR/Cas9. This technology has revolutionized the field of genetic engineering by enabling precise modifications to DNA sequences, which can be leveraged to stack multiple beneficial genes in crops. CRISPR/Cas9's versatility and efficiency make it an ideal tool for creating crops with enhanced traits, such as increased resistance to pests and diseases, improved nutritional content, and greater tolerance to environmental stresses (Belhaj et al., 2015; Arora and Narula, 2017; Eş et al., 2019). Additionally, the development of DNA-free delivery methods, such as the use of CRISPR ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) and viral vectors, offers a promising approach to avoid regulatory hurdles associated with transgenic crops, thereby facilitating the adoption of gene-stacked Bt crops (Ma et al., 2020; Rao and Wang, 2021). Another emerging technology is the use of base editing and prime editing, which allow for more precise and targeted modifications without introducing double-strand breaks. These technologies can be used to fine-tune the expression of stacked genes, ensuring that each gene contributes optimally to the desired traits. The ability to control gene expression spatially and temporally using inducible systems, such as light-inducible Cas9, further enhances the potential of gene stacking strategies by providing a means to activate or deactivate genes in response to specific environmental cues (Nihongaki et al., 2018). These advancements collectively pave the way for more sophisticated and durable Bt crops. 7.2 Potential for new traits The potential for new traits in Bt crops through gene stacking is vast. By combining multiple genes that confer different types of resistance, it is possible to create crops that are not only resistant to a broader range of pests but also exhibit enhanced resistance to diseases and environmental stresses. For instance, stacking genes that confer resistance to both insects and fungal pathogens can provide a more comprehensive defense mechanism, reducing the reliance on chemical pesticides and fungicides (Cai et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2021). Additionally, the integration of genes that enhance drought tolerance and nutrient use efficiency can lead to crops that are more resilient to climate change and capable of thriving in suboptimal growing conditions (Arora and Narula, 2017; Bao et al., 2019). Moreover, gene stacking can be used to improve the nutritional quality of Bt crops. By incorporating genes that enhance the production of essential vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds, it is possible to develop crops that not only protect against pests but also contribute to better human health. For example, the CRISPR/Cas9 system has been used to enhance the nutritional content of horticultural food crops, demonstrating the potential for similar applications in Bt crops (Wang et al., 2021). The ability to stack multiple traits in a single crop variety opens up new possibilities for creating multifunctional crops that address both agricultural and nutritional challenges. 7.3 Collaboration and innovation Collaboration and innovation are crucial for advancing gene stacking strategies in Bt crops. Interdisciplinary collaboration between geneticists, plant biologists, agronomists, and bioinformaticians can accelerate the development and deployment of gene-stacked crops. Collaborative efforts can facilitate the sharing of knowledge, resources, and technologies, leading to more efficient and effective gene stacking approaches. For instance, partnerships between academic institutions and industry can drive the translation of research findings into practical applications, ensuring that new technologies reach farmers and benefit agricultural production (Sun et al., 2016; Eş et al., 2019).