
Bt Research 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 96-109 100 resistance genes could lead to longer periods of disease suppression, although it may also select for highly virulent strains (Crété et al., 2020). Therefore, combining gene pyramiding with other integrated pest management practices can provide a robust approach to delay resistance development and sustain the efficacy of Bt crops. 4.3 Enhancing plant health and yield Enhancing plant health and yield is another critical aspect of improving the durability of Bt crops. Gene stacking not only confers resistance to pests but also improves overall plant performance under various stress conditions. For instance, the simultaneous introduction of multiple genes such as AVP1, OsSIZ1, and Fld in creeping bentgrass has resulted in significantly better growth (Figure 2) and tolerance to abiotic stresses like drought, salinity, and heat (Zhao et al., 2023). This demonstrates that gene stacking can lead to superior plant performance and resilience, contributing to higher yields and better crop quality. Figure 2 Comparison of growth and development between transgenic plants expressing AVP1, OsSIZ1, and Fld and wild-type control plants (Adapted from Zhao et al., 2023) Image caption: (a) Plant growth status at 2 and 3 weeks after pruning; (b) Internode structure of the longest tiller in each plant; (c) Summary of the total number of tillers, total number of internodes of the longest tiller, and total length; (d) Root development of 13-week-old plants (Adapted from Zhao et al., 2023)