
Bt Research 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 65-75 72 nutritional requirements, culture media, and fermentation technologies, to enhance the growth, sporulation, and toxin formation yields of Bt (Wafa et al., 2020). Additionally, there is a need for more systematic risk assessment studies to evaluate the environmental and health impacts of new Bt formulations, particularly those involving micro and nanoparticulate systems (Kumar et al., 2021). Research on the use of alternative raw materials, such as agricultural by-products and wastewater sludge, for Bt production could also help reduce costs and promote sustainable practices (Aranda et al., 2000). Furthermore, the development of regulatory frameworks and risk mitigation strategies is essential to facilitate the widespread deployment of innovative Bt-based products (Fletcher et al., 2020). 9.3 Innovations and future trends Innovations in the production and application of Bt biopesticides are crucial for overcoming existing challenges and enhancing their effectiveness. Advances in micro/nanotechnology have led to the development of more efficient Bt formulations, such as microencapsulations and microgranules, which can improve the stability and residual entomotoxicity of Bt under adverse environmental conditions. The use of genetically modified crops expressing Bt toxins offers another promising approach to increase crop yields and reduce the need for chemical pesticides (Ortiz and Sansinenea, 2023). Additionally, the integration of RNA interference (RNAi) technology with Bt biopesticides could provide a narrow-spectrum alternative to chemical-based control measures, targeting pests with high accuracy and specificity(Fletcher eta l., 2020). Future research should focus on reducing the cost of culture media components, modifying fermentation processes, and developing efficient Bt strains through genetic methods to enhance the overall efficiency and sustainability of Bt biopesticides. 10 Concluding Remarks The systematic review of the literature on the sustainable production and application of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) biopesticides reveals several critical insights. Bt has been extensively studied and utilized due to its high specificity and environmental safety compared to chemical pesticides. Research has focused on optimizing bioprocess parameters, including nutritional requirements, culture media, and fermentation technologies, to enhance Bt production efficiency. Additionally, innovative approaches such as solid-state fermentation using biowaste digestate have shown promise in producing cost-effective Bt biopesticides. The environmental behavior of Bt proteins and their potential ecological impacts have also been examined, highlighting the need for biosafety evaluations. Furthermore, Bt's role extends beyond pest control to include applications as a biofertilizer and in the development of transgenic plants. Sustainable practices in the production and application of Bt biopesticides are crucial for several reasons. Firstly, they help mitigate the adverse effects of chemical pesticides, such as soil, water, and food source pollution, and the emergence of pest resistance. By utilizing biowaste and optimizing fermentation processes, the production costs of Bt biopesticides can be reduced, making them more accessible and economically viable Moreover, sustainable practices ensure that Bt biopesticides have minimal unintended impacts on non-target organisms and ecosystems, thereby preserving biodiversity and ecological balance. The integration of Bt biopesticides into sustainable agriculture practices can significantly contribute to reducing the reliance on chemical pesticides and promoting environmental health. Future research and development in the field of Bt biopesticides should focus on several key areas. Firstly, there is a need for further optimization of bioprocess parameters to enhance Bt production yields and reduce costs. Exploring alternative substrates and fermentation technologies, such as solid-state fermentation with biowaste, can provide cost-effective and sustainable production methods. Additionally, comprehensive biosafety evaluations are essential to assess the long-term environmental impacts of Bt proteins and their interactions with soil microbial communities. Research should also investigate the development of Bt-based bioformulations with improved stability and efficacy under field conditions. Finally, interdisciplinary approaches that integrate bioinformatics, genetic engineering, and ecological studies can help design Bt biopesticides with enhanced specificity and reduced non-target effects.