
Bt Research 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-9 6 4.2 The genetic mechanisms and rates of gene evolution The gene evolution of B.t. strains is mainly driven by mutation and gene recombination. Mutation refers to random changes in gene sequences, including point mutations, insertion mutations, and deletion mutations, which may lead to changes in gene expression, protein structure, or function. Gene recombination, on the other hand, refers to the exchange and recombination of different genes, which usually occurs during the process of gene transfer between strains. The rate of gene evolution may vary among different B.t. strains. The rate of gene evolution is influenced by multiple factors, including mutation rate, selection pressure, and genetic drift. A higher mutation rate results in a faster rate of gene evolution. Selection pressure refers to the selection of different mutant types. Mutations that are disadvantageous to survival and reproduction will be eliminated, while mutations that are beneficial for adaptation to the environment will be retained. Genetic drift refers to random changes in gene frequencies due to random genetic drift. The rate of gene evolution is also influenced by the reproductive mode and environmental factors of B.t. strains. B.t. strains usually reproduce asexually, through the production and dissemination of spores. This asexual reproductive mode can accelerate the rate of gene evolution because each spore has the potential for genetic variation. Additionally, environmental factors such as climate, nutrition, and competition can also affect the rate of gene evolution in B.t. strains. 4.3 Analysis and comparison of genetic diversity among strains The genetic diversity of different B.t. strains refers to the differences and variations among them at the genetic level. This diversity originates from genotype and phenotype differences among strains, including variations in genome structure, gene sequences, protein composition, and physiological characteristics. The analysis and comparison of genetic diversity among B.t. strains is of great significance for understanding their evolution, distribution, and efficacy. A commonly used method is to analyze the genotypes of different B.t. strains through molecular genetics techniques. This can include technologies such as PCR amplification, DNA sequencing, and genome alignment. By comparing their genotypes, at the level of DNA sequences, genetic differences and relationships among different strains can be identified (Figure 2). This provides important clues for studying the phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of B.t. strains. Figure 2 Chemical bond structure of Bt protein (Azizoglu, 2019) Besides genotype comparison, the genetic diversity among B.t. strains can also be studied by comparing their phenotype characteristics. This includes growth rate, sporulation quantity, toxicity activity, and host range of the strains. By quantifying these phenotype characteristics and correlating them with the genotypes of the strains, further understanding of the impact and contribution of genetic diversity to phenotypic traits can be achieved. Finally, the analysis and comparison of genetic diversity among B.t. strains can also provide guidance for the application and utilization of B.t. strains. Strains with different genetic backgrounds may have better insecticidal