
Bt Research 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-9 3 Figure 1 The wax moth sucks crop juice (Prevention and Control of Magnolia Wax Moth, pp.1) 2.3 The control measures and challenges of combating Phenacoccus solenopsis The control measures taken to combat Phenacoccus solenopsis include both management and chemical approaches. Management measures include removing host plants and taking reasonable farmland management measures. The removal of host vegetation is one of the important measures, as eliminating the host plants of Phenacoccus solenopsis can reduce the number of insect sources. In addition, reasonable farmland management measures include promoting the healthy growth of plants and enhancing their resistance to insects, such as controlling the application of nitrogen fertilizer and maintaining sufficient irrigation. These measures can reduce the reproduction and spread of Phenacoccus solenopsis. Chemical control is another major means of combating Phenacoccus solenopsis. It mainly includes spraying pesticides to control the population of Phenacoccus solenopsis. The choice of pesticides should be decided based on specific circumstances, selecting appropriate pesticides according to different growth stages and severity, while paying attention to the rational use of pesticides to prevent pesticide damage and excessive residues. In addition, the rotation and combination of pesticide use can reduce the development of pesticide resistance and improve control effectiveness. The prevention and control of Phenacoccus solenopsis also faces some challenges. For example, the high reproduction rate and rapid adaptive evolution of Phenacoccus solenopsis make it increasingly resistant to pesticides, and the traditional pesticide control effect is gradually weakening. Improper use of pesticides may have negative impacts on the environment and human health, requiring the scientific and rational selection of pesticides and strict adherence to usage guidelines. In addition, Phenacoccus solenopsis has a wide range of host plants and diverse transmission routes, requiring more research on its ecological characteristics and transmission patterns to develop more targeted prevention and control strategies. 3 The Application Effect of Different B.t. Strains in the Control of Phenacoccus solenopsis 3.1 The screening and selection criteria for B.t. strains B.t. strains are a type of biopesticide that is commonly used for pest control. They also have a certain effect on Phenacoccus solenopsis (Azizoglu, 2019). In the process of screening and selecting B.t. strains for Phenacoccus solenopsis, several criteria are usually considered: Toxicity refers to the pathogenic ability of B.t. strains against Phenacoccus solenopsis. It is evaluated through laboratory or field experiments to assess the lethal effect and toxicity of B.t. strains against Phenacoccus solenopsis. Selecting B.t. strains with strong toxicity and a high mortality rate against Phenacoccus solenopsis is crucial for effectively suppressing its reproduction and spread.