
Bt Research 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 30-41 39 Future research should focus on understanding the mechanisms of resistance to Bt proteins at a molecular level to develop more effective resistance management strategies. Continuous monitoring of pest resistance and the effectiveness of Bt crops in different regions is necessary to adapt management practices accordingly. Policymakers should consider mandating the use of refuges and promoting the adoption of pyramided Bt crops and other integrated pest management strategies to prolong the efficacy of Bt technology. Additionally, research into the environmental impacts of Bt crops, particularly on soil health and non-target organisms, should be prioritized to ensure the overall sustainability of agricultural systems. International collaboration and data sharing among researchers, growers, and policymakers will be essential in addressing the global challenge of pest resistance to Bt crops. Acknowledgments The publisher sincerely thanks the two anonymous peer reviewers for their review and suggestions on the manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Anderson J., Ellsworth P., Faria J., Head G., Owen M., Pilcher C., Shelton A., and Meissle M., 2019, Genetically engineered crops: importance of diversified integrated pest management for agricultural sustainability, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 7: 24. Blanco C.A., Chiaravalle W., Dalla-Rizza M., Farias J.R., García-Degano M.F., Gastaminza G., Mota-Sánchez D., Murúa M., Omoto C., Pieralisi B., Rodríguez J., Rodríguez-Maciel J., Terán-Santofimio H., Terán-Vargas A., Valencia S., and Willink E., 2016, Current situation of pests targeted by Bt crops in Latin America, Current Opinion in Insect Science, 15: 131-138. Carrière Y., Brown Z., Downes S., Gujar G., Epstein G., Omoto C., Storer N., Mota-Sánchez D., Jørgensen P., and Carroll S., 2019, Governing evolution: a socioecological comparison of resistance management for insecticidal transgenic Bt crops among four countries, Ambio, 49: 1-16. Carrière Y., Crickmore N., and Tabashnik B., 2015, Optimizing pyramided transgenic Bt crops for sustainable pest management, Nature Biotechnology, 33: 161-168. Carrière Y., Fabrick J., and Tabashnik B., 2016, Can pyramids and seed mixtures delay resistance to Bt crops? Trends in Biotechnology, 34(4): 291-302. Catarino R., Ceddia G., Areal F., and Park J., 2015, The impact of secondary pests on Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crops, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 13(5): 601-612. Catarino R., Ceddia G., Areal F., Parisey N., and Park J., 2016, Managing maize under pest species competition: is Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) maize the solution? Ecosphere, 7(6): e01340. Fleming D., Musser F., Reisig D., Greene J., Taylor S., Parajulee M., Lorenz G., Catchot A., Gore J., Kerns D., Stewart S., Boykin D., Caprio M., and Little N., 2018, Effects of transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis cotton on insecticide use heliothine counts plant damage and cotton yield: a meta-analysis 1996-2015, PLoS ONE, 13(7): e0200131. Gassmann A., and Reisig D., 2022, Management of insect pests with Bt crops in the United States, Annual Review of Entomology, 68: 31-49. Gassmann A., Shrestha R., Kropf A., Clair C., and Brenizer B., 2019, Field-evolved resistance by western corn rootworm to Cry34/35Ab1 and other Bacillus thuringiensis traits in transgenic maize, Pest Management Science, 76(1): 268-276. Knight K., Head G., and Rogers D., 2021, Successful development and implementation of a practical proactive resistance management plan for Bt cotton in Australia, Pest Management Science, 77(10): 4262-4273. Koul B., 2020, Genetically modified (GM) crops harbouring Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) gene (s) to combat biotic stress caused by insect pests, Environmental and Microbial Biotechnology, pp.21-61.