
Bt Research 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 10-19 15 6.2 Enhancing safety and efficacy data To gain regulatory approval and market acceptance, it is crucial to provide robust data on the safety and efficacy of Bt biopesticides. This involves conducting comprehensive studies that demonstrate the low toxicity of Bt products to non-target organisms and the environment, as well as their effectiveness against target pests (Sansinenea, 2016). Advances in formulation technologies, such as microencapsulation and the use of nanotechnology, can enhance the stability and efficacy of Bt biopesticides, thereby providing stronger evidence to support regulatory submissions (Hernandez-Tenorio et al., 2022). Furthermore, ongoing research and development efforts should focus on generating high-quality data that meet the specific requirements of regulatory bodies. 6.3 Engaging with regulatory bodies Proactive engagement with regulatory bodies is essential to address the challenges associated with the approval and commercialization of Bt biopesticides. This can be achieved by participating in regulatory consultations, workshops, and collaborative research initiatives that involve regulators, industry stakeholders, and academic researchers (Ndolo et al., 2019). Building strong relationships with regulatory authorities can help in understanding their concerns and requirements, thereby facilitating the development of more effective and compliant biopesticide products (Chandler et al., 2011; Desai et al., 2016). Additionally, advocating for the inclusion of biopesticides in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs and agricultural policies can promote their acceptance and use. 7 Strategies to Overcome Market Challenges 7.1 Marketing and education campaigns One of the primary strategies to overcome market challenges for Bt biopesticides is the implementation of robust marketing and education campaigns. These campaigns should focus on educating farmers and other stakeholders about the benefits and proper usage of biopesticides. Educating farmers about the advantages of biopesticides, such as their eco-friendliness, target specificity, and biodegradability, is crucial for increasing their adoption (Sachdev and Singh, 2016). Additionally, promoting the success stories and case studies where biopesticides have been effectively used can help in building a positive perception among potential users (Ndolo et al., 2019). 7.2 Building consumer trust Building consumer trust is essential for the widespread acceptance of Bt biopesticides. Trust can be fostered through transparent communication and involving farmers in the development and testing phases of biopesticide products. A case study on Bt maize in South Africa highlighted the importance of engaging farmers from the start of the project through field demonstrations and educational activities to build trust. Furthermore, ensuring that the biopesticides are effective and safe through rigorous testing and quality control can also help in gaining the confidence of the end-users (Sansinenea, 2016). Open communication and full disclosure between private sector companies and government regulatory bodies are also critical in building trust and facilitating regulatory processes. 7.3 Collaboration with agricultural stakeholders Collaboration with various agricultural stakeholders, including government bodies, private sector companies, and research institutions, is vital for overcoming market challenges. Joint efforts can help in addressing regulatory barriers and promoting the use of biopesticides. For instance, the involvement of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the development and commercialization of Bt biopesticides can lead to better regulatory compliance and market acceptance (Ezezika et al., 2012). Additionally, investment in domestic fermentation technologies and improved delivery systems through collaborative efforts can enhance the production and distribution of biopesticides. Supporting the development of public policies and private initiatives for the transition toward pesticide-free agri-food systems is also recommended to encourage the wide use of biopesticides (Soetopo and Alouw, 2023).