
Bt Research 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 10-19 14 Figure 2 Membrane separation technology (Adopted from Rad et al., 2016) 5.2 Competition with conventional pesticides Bt biopesticides face stiff competition from conventional chemical pesticides, which have been the mainstay of pest management for decades. The market for chemical pesticides, although declining, still dominates due to their established efficacy and widespread acceptance among farmers. The slow growth in the adoption of biopesticides can be attributed to farmers' risk aversion and their preference for tried-and-tested chemical solutions (Sansinenea, 2016). Moreover, the cost and perceived lower efficacy of biopesticides compared to chemical pesticides pose significant challenges. However, the increasing restrictions on chemical pesticides and the growing emphasis on integrated pest management (IPM) present opportunities for biopesticides to gain a larger market share (Chandler et al., 2011). 5.3 Consumer perceptions and acceptance Consumer perceptions and acceptance play a crucial role in the market dynamics of Bt biopesticides. There is a general lack of awareness and education about the benefits and application of biopesticides, which hampers their adoption (Marrone, 2019). Additionally, lingering perceptions about the cost and efficacy of biopesticides compared to conventional pesticides further deter their acceptance. However, the growing consumer demand for sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural practices is gradually shifting perceptions in favor of biopesticides. Increased education and extension efforts, along with public and private sector policies, are essential to improve consumer acceptance and drive the adoption of biopesticides (Kumar et al., 2019; Baker et al., 2020). 6 Strategies to Overcome Regulatory Challenges 6.1 Streamlining approval processes The regulatory approval process for biopesticides, including Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) products, is often complex and time-consuming, which can hinder market entry and adoption. To streamline these processes, it is essential to develop regulatory frameworks that are specifically tailored to biopesticides rather than applying the same stringent requirements used for synthetic chemical pesticides. Simplifying the registration requirements, such as reducing the need for extensive toxicological and environmental tests, can significantly lower the barriers to market entry (Desai et al., 2016; Soetopo and Alouw, 2023). Additionally, harmonizing regulations across different countries can facilitate international trade and reduce the redundancy of approval processes.