
Journal of Vaccine Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 27-31 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/jvr 31 bovine tuberculosis (bTB). The results demonstrated a significant 74% reduction in bTB transmission among cattle herds vaccinated with BCG compared to unvaccinated herds. This crucial finding not only confirms the effectiveness of the BCG vaccine in directly protecting vaccinated individuals but, more importantly, reveals its potential in reducing the infectivity of vaccinated animals, thereby indirectly decreasing bTB transmission across entire cattle herds. This research provides strong scientific support for the use of the BCG vaccine as an effective strategy for controlling and potentially eliminating bTB in resource-limited regions. 5 Access the Full Text Abebe Fromsa et al., BCG vaccination reduces bovine tuberculosis transmission, improving prospects for elimination.Science383,eadl3962(2024).DOI: 10.1126/science.adl3962 Acknowledgments I sincerely appreciate the open-access policy for papers provided by Science magazine to its wide readership. I am deeply grateful to Nature magazine for giving me this valuable opportunity to write a scientific review and share the latest academic progress with the public. This not only recognizes my contribution but also affirms the importance of scientific communication and knowledge sharing. As a leading figure in the scientific community, Nature magazine's open platform greatly facilitates the dissemination and popularization of scientific knowledge, building a bridge for communication between researchers and those passionate about science. I express my gratitude once again to Science magazine for its contribution and look forward to discovering more exciting content in the scientific world through this platform in the future.