
Journal of Vaccine Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 27-31 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/jvr 28 Figure 1 Schematic representation of study design Figure 2 presents the two modes of action of the BCG vaccine in cattle. Panel A documents the infection history within each experimental group of unvaccinated (purple, orange) and vaccinated (light blue, green) animals, represented by the cumulative number of animals with positive IGRA reactions. All vaccinated seeders in Group 4 exhibited a lower attack rate compared to unvaccinated seeders in other groups, reflecting their reduced infectivity. Panel B shows the transmission rates between sentinel and seeder animals of different vaccination statuses, represented by the experimental reproduction ratio R, with a vertical line at R=1 indicating the threshold. Panel C reflects the posterior estimates for the BCG vaccine's effectiveness in reducing infectivity (VEI, orange), reducing susceptibility (VED, light blue), and overall efficacy (VET, green). This overall efficacy combines the vaccine's direct (reducing susceptibility) and indirect (reducing infectivity) effects. Figure 2 The two modes of action of BCG vaccination in cattle