
Journal of Vaccine Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 17-26 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/jvr 23 Additionally, gene-recombinant vaccines exhibit greater safety, reducing the occurrence of adverse reactions post-vaccination. Researchers are also exploring other vaccine preparation technologies and methods. For example, some researchers are developing vaccines based on DNA and RNA technologies. These vaccines activate the human immune system by directly introducing DNA or RNA molecules, resulting in the production of antibodies and cellular immune responses against the virus. These novel vaccines have advantages such as simplicity in preparation, high safety, and versatility, making them a significant direction for future vaccine development. Researchers are also working on improving vaccine stability and storage conditions to address transportation and storage issues more effectively. For instance, some researchers are developing new vaccine materials and storage containers to enhance vaccine stability and shelf life (Mohamed et al., 2022). 3.2 Optimization of vaccine immunization strategies and procedures In order to enhance the immunogenicity of polio vaccines and increase their widespread coverage, researchers and public health agencies are continuously optimizing vaccine immunization strategies and procedures. Firstly, researchers are exploring various vaccination methods to improve the vaccine's immunogenicity. For instance, some researchers are studying vaccine dosages and intervals to determine the optimal vaccination approach. Studies have shown that increasing vaccine dosages and extending the time between vaccine doses can enhance vaccine effectiveness. Additionally, researchers are also investigating new vaccination methods, such as oral vaccines and nasal spray vaccines, to improve vaccine delivery. Furthermore, public health agencies are consistently promoting vaccine immunization to increase vaccination rates and prevent vaccine-related diseases. For example, in some regions, governments have implemented policies for free universal vaccination to boost vaccination rates. Moreover, certain areas have organized vaccination awareness campaigns to increase public knowledge and acceptance of vaccination. In terms of vaccine administration procedures, researchers and public health agencies are continually optimizing processes to improve the efficiency and coverage of vaccine immunization. For instance, some regions have implemented electronic appointment and vaccine reminder systems to better manage the vaccination process and records. Additionally, some researchers are exploring new vaccination sites and modes, such as conducting vaccination activities in community health centers and schools, to better meet the public's vaccination needs. The optimization of vaccine immunization strategies and procedures is one of the crucial approaches to enhancing the immunogenicity of polio vaccines and ensuring widespread vaccination. By continuously exploring new vaccination methods and improving vaccination procedures, researchers and public health agencies can better address the challenges of vaccine administration, thereby providing enhanced protection for public health and safety (Zeng and Chen, 2019; Liu et al., 2021). 3.3 Global control and eradication of vaccines International organizations and public health institutions have intensified their collaboration in vaccine administration and promotion. For instance, organizations like WHO and UNICEF actively promote global vaccine immunization initiatives, providing free vaccination services for children worldwide. Additionally, these organizations conduct vaccine promotion and awareness campaigns to enhance public understanding and acceptance of vaccination. Cooperation has been reinforced in vaccine storage and transportation by international organizations and public health institutions. For example, these entities offer guidance and support for vaccine storage and transportation to ensure vaccine quality and safety. Simultaneously, they engage in the construction and enhancement of vaccine transportation and storage facilities to improve vaccine stability and shelf life (Platt et al., 2014). International organizations and public health institutions have also bolstered their collaboration in vaccine monitoring and assessment. For instance, they conduct monitoring and assessment of vaccine immunization effectiveness to gauge vaccination coverage and impact. Furthermore, these organizations carry out monitoring and assessment of adverse vaccine reactions to guarantee vaccine safety. The global control and eradication of vaccines are integral components of public health initiatives. Vaccines play a crucial role in controlling and eliminating infectious diseases such as poliomyelitis. To achieve global control and