
Journal of Vaccine Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 10-16 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/jvr 14 Figure 2 The process of vaccine research 3.2 The challenges faced in researching animal vaccines With the influence of factors like globalization and climate change, the production and distribution of vaccines are facing new challenges. Currently, new technologies such as information technology and logistics technology are being applied to vaccine production and distribution. For example, information technology enables end-to-end tracking and management of the vaccine production process, enhancing vaccine quality and safety. At the same time, advancements in logistics technology can improve the efficiency and precision of vaccine distribution, better addressing situations like disease outbreaks. As the use of animal vaccines becomes more widespread, regulatory oversight and standardization have also become increasingly important. Currently, countries and international organizations are strengthening their regulation and standardization of animal vaccines, developing relevant laws, regulations, and standards to ensure vaccine quality and safety. Efforts are also being made to enhance research in areas such as pathogen detection and vaccine efficacy evaluation, improving vaccine quality and efficacy. Animal vaccines play a crucial role in safeguarding animal health, controlling disease transmission, and ensuring human food safety. However, in the processes of research, development, production, and application, they still face several challenges. Vaccine development requires substantial human resources, materials, and financial investment, along with adherence to strict safety and effectiveness standards. Due to the uncertainty and risks involved in vaccine development, the costs are often high, which is a major factor. Additionally, vaccine production and distribution require significant resources. The production and distribution of vaccines also require a lot of human, material and financial resources. Especially in some remote areas and developing countries, the cost and difficulty of vaccine distribution are also very high due to inconvenient transportation and poor climate. Animal vaccines continue to face challenges in their research, development, production, and application. It necessitates collaborative efforts, innovation, improved research efficiency, reduced production and distribution costs, enhanced vaccine quality and safety management, and increased vaccine coverage to better safeguard the health of animals and humans (Bhatt and Nimesh, 2021). 4 Future and Outlook The future outlook for animal vaccines is promising, with the potential to play an even more significant role in safeguarding animal health, controlling disease spread, and maintaining human food safety. As technology advances and societal needs evolve, animal vaccines also face new challenges and opportunities. With population growth and economic development, the scale of the livestock and pet markets continues to expand, increasing the