
Journal of Vaccine Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 10-16 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/jvr 12 2.2 Therapeutic vaccine Therapeutic vaccines refer to vaccines administered to animals after they have already contracted a specific disease. These vaccines are intended to boost the animal's immunity and accelerate the recovery from the disease. While the efficacy of therapeutic vaccines may not be as high as preventive vaccines, they can, to some extent, shorten the course of the disease and alleviate its severity. Therapeutic vaccines are designed for individuals that have already been afflicted by a disease. Unlike preventive vaccines, which aim to provide immunity before infection, therapeutic vaccines are intended to promote treatment and recovery after infection. The design and application of therapeutic vaccines are based on the capacity of the immune system to activate and modulate the body's immune response. They typically contain components capable of eliciting an immune response against specific pathogens or disease-related antigens. These components can include pathogen proteins, peptides, nucleic acids, or other specific antigens. The goal of therapeutic vaccines is to enhance the treatment outcomes by triggering an immune response. These vaccines stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies, cytotoxic T cells, or other immune cells, thereby strengthening the host's ability to combat the pathogen. These immune cells can recognize and attack the pathogen, leading to its clearance or control (Guerrini, 2001; Garg et al., 2017). 2.3 Common types of animal vaccines Common classifications of animal vaccines each have their unique advantages and applicability. Selecting the appropriate vaccine type based on the specific animal species, disease type, and immunological requirements is a crucial factor in ensuring effective prevention and control of animal infectious diseases. 2.3.1 Inactivated vaccines Inactivated vaccines use pathogens that have been rendered non-replicative and non-infectious. These pathogens are inactivated through methods such as chemical treatment, heat treatment, or radiation. Although inactivated vaccines have high safety and stability requirements during the vaccine preparation process, they pose lower risks and are suitable for animals with weaker immune systems. 2.3.2 Live attenuated vaccines Through the use of attenuated pathogens, their pathogenic capacity has been significantly diminished but still able to activate the host immune system They can provide long-lasting immune protection because they mimic real pathogen infections, activating both cellular and humoral immune responses in the host. However, since live attenuated pathogens are present in the vaccine, special handling and precautions are required during vaccine preparation, storage, and administration. 2.3.3 Subunit vaccines Subunit vaccines contain only specific components of pathogens, such as proteins, peptides, polysaccharides, or nucleic acids. By selecting specific antigenic components of the pathogen, subunit vaccines can provide targeted immune protection against specific pathogens, avoiding adverse reactions associated with the use of complete pathogens. The development and production process of subunit vaccines may be more complex, but they offer advantages in terms of safety and purity. 2.3.4 Recombinant vaccines Recombinant vaccines use genetic engineering techniques to introduce specific genes from the pathogen into host cells, enabling them to produce antigenic proteins of the pathogen. These antigenic proteins can serve as components of the vaccine, activating the host's immune system. Recombinant vaccines have high safety and purity and can be customized as needed. Furthermore, they can avoid the use of live pathogens, reducing the risks of infectivity and adverse reactions.