
Journal of Vaccine Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 10-16 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/jvr 10 Review and Progress Open Access Analysis of Animal Vaccine Classification and Current Status Caijuan Shou, Xiaopin Cai Xiongcheng Jianmin Med. Ltd., Zhuji, 31180, Zhengjiang, China Corresponding author: 2985757244@qq.com Journal of Vaccine Research, 2024, Vol.14, No.1 doi: 10.5376/jvr.2024.14.0002 Received: 23 Dec., 2023 Accepted: 29 Jan., 2024 Published: 08 Feb., 2024 Copyright © 2024 Shou and Cai, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: Shou C.J., and Cai Z.P., 2024, Analysis of animal vaccine classification and current status, Journal of Vaccine Research, 14(1): 10-16 (doi: 10.5376/jvr.2024.14.0002) Abstract Animal vaccines refer to biologics prepared artificially using one or more pathogens, with the aim of preventing and controlling animal diseases. These biologics are administered into animals through methods such as injection, introducing the pathogens or their corresponding antigens into the animal's body. This stimulates the host's immune response, leading to the development of immunity, ultimately preventing and controlling animal diseases. Animal vaccines are a crucial tool for preventing and controlling animal diseases. They can reduce disease incidence in animals, minimize the occurrence and spread of epidemics, safeguard animal health and production, and also have significant implications for human health and safety. With advancements in technology and an increasing focus on animal health and welfare, research and application of animal vaccines are receiving growing attention. This study aims to explore various aspects of animal vaccines, including their definition, classification, and current developments, aiming to gain a deeper understanding of the importance and application value of animal vaccines, as well as the necessity of vaccine research and development. Keywords Animal vaccines; Immune response; Vaccine development status Animal vaccines are biological preparations used to prevent and control infectious diseases in animals. They can stimulate the immune system of animals to produce antibodies, thereby providing protection. The preparation of animal vaccines involves a series of complex processes, including pathogen isolation and cultivation, inactivation or attenuation, and purification steps. Ultimately, the prepared vaccine can be administered to animals through methods such as injection, oral administration, or spraying. The application of animal vaccines is extensive and includes areas such as agriculture, livestock farming, and wildlife conservation. In agriculture and livestock farming, animal vaccines are widely used to prevent and control common diseases such as avian influenza, swine fever, and foot-and-mouth disease. This not only helps protect the health of farm animals but also reduces the spread of diseases on farms, ensuring food safety and improving economic benefits. In addition, animal vaccines play a crucial role in the protection of wildlife. Many wildlife populations are at risk of disease transmission, and once a species is affected by an epidemic, its survival and reproductive capacity may be severely threatened. Therefore, developing and implementing vaccine plans for endangered species is crucial for protecting wildlife diversity and ecological balance. Animal vaccines also have significant implications for human health. Many animal pathogens can be transmitted to humans through the food chain, leading to zoonotic diseases. Therefore, by preventing and controlling animal diseases, animal vaccines can reduce the risk of humans being infected with animal pathogens, thus maintaining public health. Despite the significant achievements of animal vaccines in preventing and controlling animal diseases, they still face some challenges. Issues such as pathogen variation, inadequate vaccine coverage, and vaccine safety require continuous research and innovation to address. This study explores definitions, classifications, development status, and more, aiming to increase awareness of the importance of animal vaccines and contribute to the protection of animal and human health.