
Journal of Vaccine Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-9 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/jvr 7 use of live viruses, thereby reducing the risk of vaccine-related side effects and potential infections. After purification and stabilization, recombinant protein vaccines can stimulate the immune system to produce specific antibodies, providing protection against the target pathogen. Virus-like particle-based vaccine development, on the other hand, leverages the self-assembly of recombinant proteins in the expression system to form particle structures similar to real viruses but without the viral genetic material. This approach activates the immune system while avoiding the risk of viral infections. Virus-like particle vaccines can induce robust immune responses and offer long-lasting protection. Despite the considerable potential of vaccine development methods based on recombinant proteins or virus-like particles, they still face some challenges. For instance, the purity and stability of vaccines are crucial, as any impurities or instability could affect vaccine safety and effectiveness. Additionally, the vaccine production process requires appropriate technical and equipment support to ensure consistency and quality. 4.2 Analyzing the application of new vaccine delivery systems, such as nanoparticles or gene delivery techniques New vaccine delivery systems such as nanoparticles and gene delivery techniques have significant potential in vaccine development. They can enhance vaccine immunogenicity and effectiveness, boosting immune responses. However, the application of these new technologies requires further research and validation to ensure their safety and effectiveness. As science continues to advance, these new vaccine delivery systems are expected to contribute to more breakthroughs and innovations in vaccine development and immunoprotection. Nanoparticles are tiny particles typically ranging in size from 1 to 100 nanometers. Due to their small size and unique physical and chemical properties, nanoparticles can serve as carriers in vaccine delivery systems. First, nanoparticles can provide a larger surface area relative to their size, increasing the contact area between the vaccine and the immune system, thus enhancing immunogenicity. Second, nanoparticles can modulate the uptake and antigen presentation of immune cells by altering their surface properties and structure, thereby activating and enhancing immune responses. Additionally, nanoparticles can protect antigens from degradation and inactivation, prolonging vaccine persistence and stability. Gene delivery techniques involve the introduction of target genes into host cells to express and produce target proteins. In vaccine delivery systems, gene delivery techniques can be used to transfer genes encoding pathogen antigens, leading to antigen production within host cells. This approach avoids the use of live viruses or protein preparations in vaccines, thus reducing the risks of infection and side effects. Gene delivery techniques can efficiently introduce and express target genes by selecting suitable vectors and delivery methods. Furthermore, gene delivery techniques can be used to modulate the intensity and type of immune response, allowing for personalized immune protection. The application of nanoparticles and gene delivery techniques in vaccine delivery systems offers several advantages. Firstly, they can enhance vaccine immunogenicity and effectiveness, thus boosting immune responses. Secondly, these delivery systems can achieve prolonged and specific immune protection by controlling antigen release and presentation. Additionally, nanoparticles and gene delivery techniques can enhance vaccine stability and production efficiency through proper design and optimization. However, their application of these technologies in vaccine delivery systems also presents some challenges. For example, the preparation and characterization of nanoparticles require complex technical and equipment support, along with comprehensive assessments of their biocompatibility and safety. Gene delivery techniques need to address issues related to the efficient delivery and expression of genes, as well as potential risks associated with gene immunogenicity (Liese et al., 2013). 5 Summary and Outlook Improvements in chickenpox vaccines and the development of new vaccines are of paramount importance for preventing and controlling the spread of chickenpox. Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease, particularly risky for children, as it may lead to complications and hospitalization. Therefore, enhancing chickenpox vaccines and researching new vaccines are crucial for reducing the incidence of the disease and mitigating its impact on