
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.6, 324-341 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmms 329 α-D-Manp residues and terminal α-D-Manp residues, demonstrating potential antitumor activity against HepG2 and MCF-7 cell growth in vitro. Figure 4 A series of antitumor mechanism pathways for SVP in MCF-7 cells (Adopted from Wan et al., 2020) Ganoderma atrum polysaccharide (PSG-1) also showed antitumor effects by inhibiting tumor growth and inducing apoptosis in tumor cells. The treatment with PSG-1 resulted in increased cAMP and PKA activities, which are crucial for the apoptotic pathway (Zhang et al., 2014a). Similarly, polysaccharides from Lentinus edodes (SLNT1 and JLNT1) demonstrated significant antitumor effects by inducing apoptosis in H22-bearing mice (Wang et al., 2013). 3.2 Molecular mechanisms of cell cycle regulation The molecular mechanisms underlying the antitumor effects of Sanghuangporus polysaccharides involve several pathways. SVP from Sanghuangporus vaninii was found to enhance the activation of p53-related genes and down-regulate matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression, which are critical for cell cycle regulation and apoptosis (Wan et al., 2020). The PTP from Polygala tenuifolia Willd. induced apoptosis through the FAS/FAS-L-mediated death receptor pathway, increasing the ratio of BAX to Bcl-2, promoting cytochrome c release, and activating caspase-9 and -3 (Yu et al., 2021a). Ganoderma atrum polysaccharide (PSG-1) activated the cAMP-PKA signaling pathway while down-regulating the Ca(2+)/PKC signal pathway, leading to apoptosis in tumor cells (Zhang et al., 2014a). Another study on PSG-1 revealed that it induced apoptosis via the mitochondria-mediated pathway, involving the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, cytochrome c release, and activation of caspases (Zhang et al., 2014b). Furthermore, polysaccharides from Tetrastigma Hemsleyanum (SYQ-PA) were shown to inhibit breast cancer by reprogramming tumor-associated macrophages through the PPARγ signaling pathway, promoting M1 macrophage polarization and inhibiting cancer cell proliferation (Liu et al., 2023a). 3.3 Invivo experimental studies In vivo studies have further confirmed the antitumor efficacy of Sanghuangporus polysaccharides. For example, SVP from Sanghuangporus vaninii significantly inhibited tumor growth in MCF-7 xenograft models by promoting apoptosis and reducing tumor invasiveness (Wan et al., 2020). Polysaccharides from Polygala tenuifolia Willd. (PTP) demonstrated antitumor activity in S180 tumor-bearing mice by inducing apoptosis and enhancing immune responses, such as increased NK cell activity and cytokine production (Yu et al., 2021a). Ganoderma atrum polysaccharide (PSG-1) showed potent antitumor effects in CT26 tumor-bearing mice by inducing apoptosis and boosting the immune system, as evidenced by increased lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine levels (Zhang et al., 2014b). Similarly, polysaccharides from Lentinus edodes (SLNT1 and JLNT1) significantly inhibited tumor growth in H22-bearing mice by enhancing immune responses and inducing apoptosis (Wang et al., 2013).