
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 167-176 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmms 169 radiation therapy, as well as the transplant treatment method, such as removing T cells, can also affect the occurrence of GVHD. In addition, post transplant infections and other complications may also increase the risk of GVHD. Saliba et al. (2007) evaluated M D. The incidence, risk factors, clinical manifestations, and outcomes of hyperacute GVHD occurring within 14 days after transplantation were defined in the 809 consecutive HSCTs conducted by Anderson Cancer Center. Research has found that skin involvement is more common (88% compared to 44%) and more severe (Stage III-IV, 88% compared to 66%) in the hyperacute GVHD group compared to acute GVHD diagnosed after 14 days. Important risk factors include mismatched or unrelated donors, medulloblast transplantation regimens, more than 5 previous chemotherapy regimens, and donor recipient gender mismatch. Jacobs et al. (2019) investigated the correlation between mood and quality of life in patients with chronic GVHD, and found that negative emotion oriented coping style, poor physical function and higher burden of symptoms were independently related to depressive symptoms. The study emphasizes the unmet physical and psychosocial needs of chronic GVHD patients and suggests the need to explore evidence-based interventions to improve quality of life and mood by targeting modifiable psychosocial structures identified in this study. Wu et al. (2020) summarized the latest advances in the pathophysiology, prevention, and treatment of GVHD, as well as the application of traditional Chinese medicine in it. The study provides ideas and methods for exploring the mechanisms of traditional Chinese medicine and establishing new comprehensive treatment methods for GVHD. These studies indicate that the occurrence of GVHD is associated with multiple factors, including clinical and laboratory based factors, coping strategies, psychosocial factors, and treatment methods. 2 The Characteristics of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Their Role in Immune Regulation 2.1 Source, types, and differentiation potential of MSCs Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a type of pluripotent stem cells with significant medical application potential. They can be isolated and cultured from various tissues, including but not limited to bone marrow, adipose tissue, umbilical cord blood, placenta, and dental pulp. These MSCs from different sources exhibit differences in their cell phenotype, proliferation ability, and differentiation potential, but they generally express specific surface markers such as CD105, CD73, and CD90, while not expressing immune related surface molecules such as blood cell markers and HLA-DR. Bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM MSCs) were the earliest studied types and play a crucial role in maintaining hematopoietic stem cell function. In contrast, adipose tissue derived MSCs (AD MSCs) have attracted attention due to their ease of acquisition and high in vitro proliferation rate. In addition, MSCs derived from perinatal tissues such as umbilical cord blood and placenta exhibit stronger proliferation ability and wider differentiation potential. Zhang and Chen (2012) pointed out that the human umbilical cord is a rich source of MSCs. Compared with MSCs from other sources, hUC MSCs have multiple advantages, including abundant sources, easy extraction, short doubling time, low immunogenicity, long-term survival after transplantation, and no ethical issues. Under suitable conditions, hUC MSCs can differentiate into neuroid cells and promote neural function recovery in various animal models of neurological diseases. One of the most remarkable characteristics of MSCs is their multidirectional differentiation ability. They can differentiate into various cell types such as bone cells, adipocytes, and chondrocytes under appropriate induction conditions, providing new therapeutic strategies for the repair and regeneration of damaged tissues. Kuroda et al. (2012) further found that MSCs can even differentiate into nerve cells, liver cells, and myocardial cells under specific conditions, which broadens the application scope of MSCs in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Through in-depth research and utilization of these characteristics of MSCs, scientists are committed to developing cell therapy methods based on MSCs to treat various diseases and improve the quality of life of patients.