
1 Introduction 10
2 The Gut-Brain Axis: A Complex Communication Netw 11
3 Neurotransmitter Production in the Gut 12
5 Applications of SynComs in Mental Health 14
6 Mechanistic Insights and Biological Pathways 15
1 Introduction 27
1 Introduction 36
1 Introduction 48
2 Types of Insulin and Modes of Delivery 49
2.1 Rapid-acting insulin analogs 49
2.2 Long-acting insulin analogs 49
2.3 Innovations in insulin formulations 49
2.4 Alternate routes of insulin delivery 49
3 Technological Advances in Insulin Therapy 49
3.1 Insulin Pumps 49
3.2 Continuous glucose monitoring systems 49
3.3 Automated delivery systems 50
3.4 Integration of smart technologie 50
4 Emerging Trends in Insulin Therapy 51
4.1 Smart insulins and Rlucose-responsive Insulins 51
4.2 Beta-cell replacement and stem cell therapies 51
4.3 Immunomodulatory therapies and vaccines 51
5 Clinical Trials and Evidence-Based Outcomes 52
5.1 Clinical trials on insulin analogues 52
5.2 Trials on insulin delivery systems 52
5.3 Comparative studies on new and conventional th 52
6 Challenges and Barriers in Modern Insulin Therap 52
6.1 Accessibility and cost issues 52
6.2 Patient education and adherence 52
6.3 Technological and implementation barriers 53
6.4 Regulatory and safety issues 53
7 Concluding Remarks 53
57 58