
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 123-131 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmms 129 optimize their culture and differentiation conditions, and how to ensure their long-term survival and stable function in vivo are all urgent problems to be solved. In addition, the specific mechanism of action of MSCs in the treatment of autoimmune diseases still needs more in-depth research and understanding. 5.2 Future directions of MSCs research 5.2.1 Improve survival rate and transplantation efficiency Gomzikova et al. (2019) proposed that in order to improve the survival rate and transplantation efficiency of MSCs in vivo, researchers are exploring multiple strategies. One approach is to genetically engineer MSCs to express more molecules that contribute to cell survival and tissue integration, such as anti-apoptotic proteins and pro-angiogenesis factors. In addition, the use of biomaterials as carriers to protect MSCs from the attack of the immune system, while providing a suitable microenvironment to support their functional play in vivo, is also a current research focus. 5.2.2 Enhance the ability of immune regulation Zaripova et al. (2023) believe that enhancing the immunomodulatory ability of MSCs is another important direction for future research. Preconditioning (preactivation) of MSCs to enhance their anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory capacity prior to transplantation is one strategy. For example, the anti-inflammatory properties of MSCs can be enhanced by in vitro exposure to hypoxic or inflammatory cytokines. Researchers are also exploring ways to enhance the immunomodulatory effects of MSCs through molecular targeting and drug loading systems, such as the use of specific signaling molecular inhibitors or the release of immunomodulatory drugs, to achieve more precise and effective therapeutic effects. Wang et al. (2014) believe that although MSCs face many challenges in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, their unique immunomodulatory properties and regenerative capacity provide a new therapeutic direction for the clinic. Through continuous research and technological innovation, it is expected that in the future, MSCs will be widely used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases in a safer and more effective way, bringing hope and improvement to patients. 5.2.3 Application of gene modification and cell engineering in improving the therapeutic effect of MSCs Kong Weixia et al. (2009) believe that with the rapid development of gene editing technology, gene modification and cell engineering provide broad application prospects for improving the therapeutic effect of MSCs. In the future, gene editing technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9 can be used to precisely modify MSCs to enhance their immunomodulatory function, improve the therapeutic effect or extend their survival time. In addition, through the application of cell engineering techniques, such as induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS) technology, MSCs with specific functions can be produced on a large scale to meet clinical needs. 5.2.4 Combined application of MSCs with other therapeutic strategies Peng Xufeng et al. (2020) believe that MSCs have powerful immunomodulatory functions and can be combined with other therapeutic strategies, such as immunosuppressive drugs and cytokines, to achieve better therapeutic effects. In the future, we can study the combined application of MSCs and immunosuppressants to reduce the dosage and side effects of immunosuppressants; At the same time, the combined application of MSCs and cytokines can also be explored to enhance their immunomodulatory effects. In addition, MSCs can also be combined with other cell therapies (such as CAR T cells, NK cells, etc.) to form a comprehensive treatment regimen. 5.2.5 Development of novel biomaterials and tissue engineering methods Ringden et al. (2022) believe that in order to optimize the transplantation and survival environment of MSCs, novel biomaterials and tissue engineering methods need to be developed. In the future, biological materials with biological activity, such as biomimetic materials and hydrogels, can be studied to simulate the in vivo environment and provide suitable growth conditions for MSCs. At the same time, we can also build tissues or organs with specific structures and functions through tissue engineering technology to provide a more ideal transplantation environment for MSCs.