
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 123-131 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmms 127 response, inhibiting excessive inflammatory response, thereby reducing intestinal tissue damage; The second is to promote the repair of damaged intestinal mucosa, accelerate the regeneration of intestinal epithelial cells, and restore intestinal function. Dalal et al. (2012) mentioned that in order to give full play to the therapeutic effect of MSCs, researchers adopted the method of local intestinal application. By injecting MSCs directly into a patient's gut, they can be made to work better. Experiments have shown that the local application of MSCs can significantly reduce the infiltration of inflammatory cells, reduce the degree of intestinal inflammation, and promote the healing of intestinal epithelial cells and accelerate the repair process of intestinal mucosa. In addition, MSCs also have powerful immunomodulatory effects. They can secrete a variety of bioactive molecules, such as anti-inflammatory factors, growth factors, etc., which can effectively regulate the activity of intestinal immune cells and reduce the damage of immune response to intestinal tissue. By modulating the immune response, MSCs create a more conducive environment for the gut to recover. Ringden et al. (2022) mentioned that clinical trials of MSCs in the treatment of Crohn's disease have achieved certain results. Many patients experience significant improvement in symptoms and quality of life after receiving MSCs treatment. However, due to individual differences and the complexity of the disease, the effectiveness of MSCs treatment is not satisfactory. Therefore, how to further improve the efficacy and safety of MSCs treatment is still a topic that scientists need to further study (Figure 2). Figure 2 Immunomodulatory and regenerative properties of MSCs (Ringdén et al., 2022) 4 Challenges and Problems Faced 4.1 Challenges in the clinical application of MSCs 4.1.1 Security Munir and McGettrick (2015) believe that although MSCs have shown relatively good safety in clinical trials, there are still some safety hazards that need to be paid attention to. First, the diversity of sources and the different preparation processes of MSCs may lead to inconsistencies in their biological activities, which may affect the safety and efficacy of clinical applications. Second, the long-term survival and potential transformation risk of MSCs in vivo remains an unresolved question. For example, although rare, studies have reported the risk of tumor formation that MSCs may cause in vivo.