
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 90-99 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmms 95 By integrating data from genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics, models related to drug efficacy can be established. These models can predict individual responses to specific drugs, helping to determine the optimal treatment plan for patients. Analyzing an individual's genetic variations, gene expression patterns, and other biological characteristics can predict the patient's drug resistance, side effects, and treatment efficacy, providing guidance for personalized drug therapy. Multi-omics data integration can also be used to screen and evaluate the efficacy and safety of potential drug molecules. By measuring genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics data in disease model cell lines or animal models, the impact of drug molecules on disease characteristics and signaling pathways can be assessed. This helps to identify drug molecules with potential efficacy and lower side effects, improving drug development efficiency. 3.3 Treatment selection and response prediction Another key application of multi-omics data integration in personalized therapy is in treatment selection and response prediction. By integrating biomarker data from patients, such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, doctors can determine the most suitable treatment plan for patients and predict their response to treatment (Subramanian et al., 2020). Integrating biomarker data from patients can provide detailed information about disease molecular characteristics and signaling pathway activation states. This helps to understand individual differences in disease, including genetic variations, protein expression patterns, and metabolic characteristics. Based on this information, doctors can choose the best treatment plan tailored to the patient's specific disease molecular characteristics, improving treatment efficacy and survival rates. By integrating biomarker data from patients, their response to different treatment plans can be predicted. For example, analyzing mutations and copy number variations in genomic data, gene expression patterns in transcriptomic data, and protein biomarkers in proteomic data can predict a patient's sensitivity, resistance, and side effects to specific drug treatments. This helps doctors choose the optimal treatment plan and provide personalized treatment recommendations, avoiding ineffective or toxic treatments. Multi-omics data integration can also be used for dynamic monitoring and adjustment of treatments. By regularly measuring biomarker data from patients, the effectiveness of treatment can be promptly assessed, and treatment plans can be adjusted based on individualized data feedback. This ensures personalized and optimized treatment, improving treatment success rates and patient survival rates. 3.4 Personalized nutrition and lifestyle interventions Another important application of multi-omics data integration in personalized therapy is in personalized nutrition and lifestyle interventions. An individual's genomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic data can provide information about their metabolic state, nutritional needs, and responses. By integrating these data, tailored nutrition and lifestyle intervention plans can be designed to meet each individual's unique needs. By analyzing an individual's genomic and metabolomic data, their ability to metabolize and absorb different nutrients can be understood. This helps identify which types of nutrients are most important for the individual's health and whether they have any metabolic deficiencies or intolerances to certain nutrients. Based on this information, personalized nutritional intervention plans can be designed to ensure adequate nutrient intake and prevent health issues caused by nutritional deficiencies. Integrating an individual's genomic, transcriptomic, and environmental data can help understand their responses to different lifestyle factors. This includes their reactions to exercise, sleep, stress, and other lifestyle elements. Based on this information, personalized lifestyle intervention plans can be designed to meet their health needs. For example, increasing physical activity may be more effective for some individuals' health, while improving sleep quality may be more crucial for others. Personalized lifestyle interventions can improve an individual's health and prevent the onset of diseases.