
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 61-68 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmms 66 Guan (2022) survey shows that the core of personalized medicine is "patient-centered" and various attributes related to personal rights and interests and their environment must be considered. From the perspective of ethical governance, it is more about guiding smart medical services through ethical norms, leveraging modern science and technology, and providing fast, safe, scientific and professional medical services with limited medical resources to maximize welfare. 4 Conclusion and Outlook 4.1 Importance of genomic information applications Genomic information plays a crucial role in optimizing drug treatment and achieving personalized medicine (Giacomini et al., 2017). By using genomic information, we can gain a deeper understanding of the pathogenesis and individual differences of diseases, and provide more precise and personalized guidance for drug development and treatment plans. The Human Genome Project found that the genetic sequence difference between people is only one thousandth, containing about 3 million variations, and every 500 to 1 in the genome There is a variation in 0,000 bases, called a polymorphism, and these differences create different genotypes that determine people's different risks of disease and different responses to drugs (Figure 2). The application of genomic information can also help improve treatment effects, reduce the risk of side effects, and reduce the waste of medical resources, which has important clinical and social significance (https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/439470102). We should continue to strengthen the research and application of genomics and related technologies, promote the development of personalized medicine, and make greater contributions to human health. 4.2 Application prospects of new technologies and methods in personalized medicine New technologies and methods have broad prospects for application in personalized medicine. For example, gene editing technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9 provide new possibilities for the treatment of genetic diseases (Helle and Steele, 2021). New genomic technologies such as single-cell sequencing technology and liquid biopsy will enable this research to gain a deeper understanding of the pathogenesis and individual differences of the disease and provide richer information for personalized medicine. With the integrated analysis of multi-omics data, a more comprehensive understanding of the patient's disease status and treatment response can be provided, providing a more solid foundation for precise treatment. Figure 2 Individuals with different genotypes have different drug responses (https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/439470102) Note: The gene sequence contains about 3 million variants, with one variation for every 500~1 000 bases in the genome, and these differences form different genotypes that determine people at different risk of disease and different responses to drugs