
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 61-68 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmms 65 3 Practice and Challenges of Personalized Medicine 3.1 Successful cases and challenges of personalized medicine in practical applications Personalized medicine, as the forefront of today's medical field, has demonstrated its huge potential and value in practice. In practical applications, personalized medicine has achieved many successful cases. For example, a study by Columbia University proved that cancers need to be classified, but they are not all different, but can be identified as certain types. That is, all cancers can be divided into 112 subtypes, and there are 24 unique ones. The main module (Master regulatory protein) with higher correlation is controlled (https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_22490453). In this way, new drugs targeting master regulatory proteins can be developed to treat more patients with similar cancers (Goetz and Schork, 2018). Some patients with hereditary cancer have discovered specific gene mutations through genetic testing, and thus received targeted drug treatment, which significantly improved the treatment effect and quality of life. Personalized treatment plans for rare disease patients have also achieved remarkable results. Due to their special conditions, traditional treatment methods are often ineffective for these patients, and personalized medicine provides them with hope. Personalized medicine also faces many challenges in practice, and the maturity and popularity of the technology is an important issue (Matheur and Sutton, 2017). Although genome sequencing technology has made great progress, its cost, accuracy, and accessibility still limit the widespread application of personalized medicine. Secondly, the allocation of medical resources is also a challenge. Personalized medicine requires more investment in medical resources, including advanced medical equipment, professional doctors and researchers, which is a huge challenge for many developing countries and regions. 3.2 Technical limitations and cost issues in obtaining and analyzing genomic information The acquisition and analysis of genomic information is a key step in achieving personalized medicine, but currently this field still faces technical limitations and cost issues. In terms of technical limitations, although genome sequencing technology has made great progress, its accuracy and stability still need to be improved. At the same time, the analysis and interpretation of genomic data is also a huge challenge, requiring professional bioinformatics knowledge and skills (Williams, 2020). The acquisition and analysis of genomic information also faces challenges in ethics and privacy. How to ensure the security and privacy of data is an urgent problem that needs to be solved. In terms of cost issues, the cost of genome sequencing and data analysis is still high, which limits the widespread application of personalized medicine (Lorenzo-Luaces et al., 2021). Although sequencing costs have declined in recent years as technology advances and market competition intensifies, it remains a heavy burden for many patients and families. Therefore, how to reduce the cost of obtaining and analyzing genomic information is the key to realizing the widespread application of personalized medicine. 3.3 Impact of ethics, privacy and regulations on personalized medicine Ethics, privacy and regulations are important factors affecting the development of personalized medicine. In terms of ethics, personalized medicine involves the in-depth exploration and utilization of human genetic information, which requires a balance between medical progress and human dignity. Privacy protection is another key issue. Genome information is one of the most private information of an individual, and its leakage may cause a great invasion of personal privacy (Salari and Larijani, 2017). In the process of promoting personalized medicine, a sound privacy protection mechanism must be established to ensure the security of personal genomic information. The regulatory environment also has a profound impact on the development of personalized medicine. Different countries and regions have different regulatory environments and regulatory policies for personalized medicine. This provides both diversity and complexity for the development of personalized medicine. How to promote the development of personalized medicine while complying with regulations is currently an important issue.