
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 48-55 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmms 53 and gene therapy can provide personalized treatment strategies based on the genotype of different patients to maximize the recovery of abnormal gene function. In terms of potential benefits, gene therapy has the potential to become a curative treatment for cardiovascular diseases, achieving complete cure by repairing abnormal genes or increasing the repair ability of damaged tissues. Gene therapy can reduce the occurrence and progression of complications in cardiovascular diseases, improve the quality of life of patients, and lower long-term care and treatment costs. Gene therapy can provide personalized treatment strategies based on an individual's genotype and phenotype, improving the accuracy and effectiveness of treatment. 3.2 The impact of the development of new technologies and strategies on gene therapy for cardiovascular diseases The development of new technologies and strategies has a profound impact on gene therapy for cardiovascular diseases, which can improve the effectiveness and safety of treatment, and expand the feasibility of treatment. The emergence of gene editing techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9 has made gene therapy more precise and efficient (Liao and Guo, 2021). By using gene editing technology, abnormal gene sequences can be directly modified, defects or functional disease-related genes can be repaired, thereby achieving the goal of treatment. This will bring more opportunities for gene therapy for cardiovascular diseases. The delivery system is a crucial part of gene therapy, affecting the accurate delivery of genetic materials to the lesion site. With the development of nanotechnology and carrier technology, the design and improvement of delivery systems have improved the delivery efficiency and stability of genetic materials, effectively overcoming the challenges brought by the complexity of the cardiovascular system. In addition, cell therapy and stem cell technology can utilize the self-renewal and differentiation ability of stem cells for the treatment and regeneration of cardiovascular diseases. For example, the regeneration and transplantation of myocardial cells can promote the repair of the heart. Cell therapy and stem cell technology provide new approaches and strategies for gene therapy. One important challenge of gene therapy is to ensure that the introduced genes can exist for a long time and continue to exert therapeutic effects. In recent years, scientists have developed a series of gene expression regulation strategies, such as using specific promoters and regulatory elements, as well as RNA interference technology, to achieve precise regulation and long-term expression of genes, thereby improving treatment efficacy (Lu and Thum, 2019). Gene therapy for cardiovascular diseases requires interdisciplinary collaborative research and the support of appropriate regulatory and ethical frameworks. This helps to enhance the safety of gene therapy research and the feasibility of clinical translation, promoting the development of technology and strategies. In summary, the development of new technologies and strategies has a significant impact on gene therapy for cardiovascular diseases. The advancement of these technologies and strategies will improve the effectiveness and safety of gene therapy, and expand its application scope in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. 3.3 Application of personalized gene therapy and precision medicine in cardiovascular diseases The application of personalized gene therapy and precision medicine in cardiovascular diseases is changing the traditional one size fits all treatment model, providing patients with more precise and effective treatment strategies. By analyzing an individual's genotype and genetic variation, the risk of developing a certain cardiovascular disease can be evaluated. This personalized risk assessment can help doctors and patients develop targeted preventive measures and monitoring plans to reduce the occurrence and progression of diseases. In addition, individual genomic information can affect drug absorption, metabolism, and response. By detecting the genotype of patients, it is possible to identify whether there are genetic variations related to drug metabolism, thereby guiding appropriate drug selection and dosage, and improving the effectiveness and safety of drug treatment. Gene therapy in cardiovascular diseases can provide personalized treatment strategies based on the patient's genotype and phenotype. For example, developing corresponding gene therapy methods for different