
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 48-55 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmms 52 2.2 Challenges and opportunities for clinical translation of gene therapy The clinical translation of gene therapy in cardiovascular diseases faces some challenges and opportunities. In terms of challenges, the selection of delivery systems is one of them. The cardiovascular system is complex, and accurately delivering genetic materials to specific areas is one of the key challenges. Effectively delivering therapeutic genes to the heart, blood vessels, or other related tissues to achieve therapeutic effects requires overcoming tissue wall barriers and stably delivering genetic materials to the target location. In addition, gene therapy may encounter safety issues, such as immune reactions, toxic reactions, or adverse events. The side effects during treatment are an important consideration factor that needs to ensure treatment safety and reduce the potential risk of adverse reactions. The persistence of gene therapy is a key issue. In cardiovascular disease, it is necessary to ensure that the introduced genes can exist for a long time and continue to exert therapeutic effects, in order to achieve the goal of long-term disease improvement and disease management. At the same time, there are also certain challenges in map diversity and individual differences. Cardiovascular diseases have a wide range of types and complex genetic backgrounds, and there are genetic and environmental differences among different patients. In gene therapy, it is necessary to consider individual differences and provide personalized treatment strategies for different types of cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, there are also opportunities for gene therapy in cardiovascular diseases. With the continuous development of technology, such as the emergence and continuous improvement of gene editing technology, gene therapy has more opportunities in the field of cardiovascular disease. These new technologies make gene therapy more precise, efficient, and provide more treatment options. The development of gene therapy provides new opportunities for early intervention in cardiovascular diseases (Wang and Kuang, 2023). Individualized care through early detection and gene therapy can provide more precise treatment strategies, reduce the risk of disease progression and complications. Gene therapy involves interdisciplinary collaboration, including basic scientific research, clinical medicine, genetics, biotechnology, and other fields. Multidisciplinary collaborative research will promote the exchange of knowledge and technology, and promote the clinical translation of gene therapy in cardiovascular diseases. Developing appropriate regulations and ethical frameworks is also crucial for the clinical translation of gene therapy in cardiovascular diseases. Appropriate regulation and ethical guidance will ensure the safety and effectiveness of clinical practice, and provide support for the development and application of gene therapy. Overall, despite facing challenges, gene therapy has many opportunities that can be fully utilized in cardiovascular disease. 3 The Prospects of Gene Therapy in Cardiovascular Diseases 3.1 Future application scenarios and potential benefits Gene therapy in cardiovascular diseases has broad prospects. Gene therapy can intervene in mutated genes in inherited cardiovascular diseases to restore abnormal gene function or repair gene defects, thereby achieving disease treatment and prevention. Gene therapy can promote myocardial regeneration and repair, increase the proliferation and regeneration ability of myocardial cells, and provide new treatment strategies for heart diseases such as myocardial infarction and heart failure. In addition, gene therapy can promote angiogenesis and repair damaged blood vessels, improve blood supply and circulatory function, which is of great significance for ischemic cardiovascular disease. The future application scenarios and potential benefits of gene therapy in cardiovascular diseases are expected. In terms of future applications, gene therapy can be used for early detection and intervention, early detection of cardiovascular disease risk factors and genetic tendencies, and personalized gene therapy to reduce the risk of disease development and complications. For patients with drug-resistant cardiovascular diseases, such as patients who have failed to receive antiarrhythmic drug therapy, gene therapy can provide alternative treatment options to improve their symptoms and quality of life. Genetic cardiovascular disease may involve multiple mutated genes,