
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 42-47 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmms 45 and benefits to protect the interests of patients and the public. In summary, gene editing technology has important application prospects in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, and its development provides new hope for improving the prognosis and quality of life of patients. 2.2 Application in the treatment of congenital neurological diseases Gene editing technology has important application potential in the treatment of congenital neurological diseases. These diseases refer to neurological developmental or genetic abnormalities that occur during fetal or early childhood. Gene editing technology can be used to repair or restore the function of abnormal genes, knock out harmful genes, or introduce missing genes. By using tools such as CRISPR-Cas9, precise editing of problematic genes can be achieved. In addition, gene editing technology can also be used to create animal models that simulate specific gene mutations or injuries in human congenital nervous system diseases (Zhu et al., 2023). This model can help study the development mechanisms of diseases and evaluate the effectiveness of new treatment strategies. Although gene editing technology has great potential in the treatment of congenital neurological diseases, further research and clinical practice are still needed. Safety, effectiveness, and ethical issues all need to be carefully considered and fully evaluated. However, the application of these technologies is of great significance for finding new treatment methods and improving the quality of life of patients with congenital neurological diseases. 2.3 Application in the treatment of other neurological diseases Gene editing technology also has potential in the treatment of other neurological diseases besides neurodegenerative diseases and congenital neurological diseases. This includes neuromuscular diseases, neuralgia, spontaneous motor disorders, and cerebrovascular diseases. For neuromuscular diseases, gene editing can restore normal nerve and muscle function and alleviate disease symptoms by repairing related gene mutations. In the treatment of neuralgia, gene editing technology can regulate genes related to pain transmission and alleviate symptoms of neuralgia. For spontaneous motor disorders, gene editing technology can improve motor function and reduce the onset of symptoms by repairing related gene mutations. For cerebrovascular diseases, gene editing technology can enhance the regeneration and repair process of damaged nerve cells, promote vascular growth, and restore brain tissue. Although more research is still needed for the application in these fields, gene editing technology provides promising progress in the treatment of other neurological diseases, with potential positive impacts on patient recovery and quality of life. 3 The Prospect of Gene editing Technology in the Treatment of Neurological Diseases 3.1 Advantages of gene editing in the treatment of neurological diseases Gene editing technology has many advantages in the treatment of neurological diseases. Gene editing technology has high precision, which can accurately repair or modify target genes, minimize the impact on other genes, improve treatment effectiveness, and reduce risk (Song et al., 2020). Gene editing technology has therapeutic potential, which can repair harmful gene mutations related to diseases, restore or enhance the normal function of nerve cells, improve disease symptoms, and reduce disease progression. In addition, the long-lasting effect of gene editing technology is also one of its advantages. Through one-time gene editing therapy, it can continuously produce therapeutic effects, avoiding the need for long-term drug treatment. Individualized treatment is another important advantage, and gene editing technology can provide customized treatment based on the patient's genotype and condition. Gene editing technology has diverse applications in the treatment of neurological diseases, including repairing gene mutations, inhibiting the expression of disease-related genes, and increasing the recovery ability of nerve cells. However, it should be pointed out that gene editing technology is still in its early stages and faces some challenges, such as ensuring safety, improving delivery methods, and addressing ethical and moral issues. Therefore, further research and clinical practice are necessary to determine the feasibility and reliability of its widespread application in the treatment of neurological diseases.