
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 29-41 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmms 33 level of individual cells, revealing subtle differences even in seemingly homogeneous populations of cells. These differences may reflect the characteristics of cells at different stages of development, or different responses to environmental signals. Giladi and Amit (2018) believe that in addition to the heterogeneity of immune cells, the dynamic changes of the immune system are also reflected in the interactions between immune cells and microorganisms. There are a large number of microorganisms in the body, including bacteria, fungi and viruses. These microbes form a delicate balance with the body's immune system. On the one hand, microbes boost resistance by stimulating the immune system; The immune system, on the other hand, maintains this balance by eliminating and limiting the growth of microorganisms. However, when this balance is upset, such as when the microbes are too numerous or too toxic, the immune system initiates a more intense response to clear out these threats. This reaction can cause side effects such as tissue damage and inflammation, but it also provides the body with necessary protection. 2.2 Cell dynamics during immune response Immune response is a highly dynamic process involving activation, proliferation, migration and functional execution of a variety of immune cells. Monocytomics techniques reveal cell dynamics in this process, including how cells change from a resting state to an active state, how they migrate between different parts of the body, and how they interact with other cells. For example, when a pathogen invades, dendritic cells capture and process antigens, then migrate to the lymph nodes to activate T cells. Changes in the phenotypes of dendritic cells and T cells were observed during this process, as well as the interactions between them. Francisco et al. (2010) argue that monocytomic techniques reveal how cells transition from a resting state to an active state, how they migrate between different parts of the body, and how they interact with other cells. Using this technique, we can observe the real-time dynamics of immune cells in the body with unprecedented precision and depth. In the case of a pathogen invasion, the immune system immediately activates its defense mechanisms. Dendritic cells play a crucial role in this process. They are able to quickly capture and process invading antigens and then pass this information on to other immune cells. The dendritic cells then migrate to the lymph nodes, activating the T cells and triggering a stronger immune response. Wills and Mead (2015) mentioned in their study that changes in dendritic cell and T cell phenotypes during this process can be clearly observed through single-cell tracking techniques. After capturing antigens, dendritic cells undergo a series of changes in their surface molecules that allow them to better interact with other immune cells. At the same time, after being activated, T cells will also undergo a series of proliferation and differentiation to adapt to the need to fight pathogens. These research results not only provide a deeper understanding of the mechanism of immune response, but also provide new ideas and methods for future immunotherapy. By manipulating the dynamic processes of these immune cells, it may be possible to prevent and treat various diseases more effectively. 2.3 Cellular basis of inflammatory response and immune tolerance The immune system is a delicate and complex network that maintains a delicate balance between inflammatory response and immune tolerance. This balance is essential to ensure effective removal of pathogens and to protect the body from infection, while also avoiding damage to one's own tissues from unwanted immune responses. In recent years, with the rapid development of single-cell omics techniques, a deeper understanding of the cellular basis behind this balance has been gained. Gomes et al. (2019) mentioned that regulatory T cells (TREGs) are one of the key cell types in maintaining immune tolerance. They act as a "brake" to ensure that the immune response does not overshoot, preventing autoimmune diseases from developing. Treg cells, however, are not monolithic and contain a variety of subtypes that exhibit different functions in different tissues and inflammatory conditions. Through single-cell RNA sequencing, the researchers found that these subtypes not only differed in their expression profiles, but also were distinctive in regulating the immune response. For example, some Treg cell subtypes may be better at inhibiting the production of inflammatory mediators, while others may be better at promoting tissue repair and regeneration.