
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 16-23 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmms 23 Acknowledgments We would like to express my gratitude to Ms. Fang Keyan for her guidance and review of this paper. Her constructive feedback and numerous valuable suggestions have greatly contributed to the refinement of this research. References Anuraj N., Ravina K., Poonam T., Maddala M., Diksha S., Garima T., Alejandro S.P., and Sanjeev K.S., 2021 Artificial intelligence, big data and machine learning approaches in precision medicine & drug discovery, Current Drug Targets, 22(6): 631-655. https://doi.org/10.2174/18735592MTEzsMDMnz PMid:33397265 Boniolo F., Dorigatti E., Ohnmacht A.J., Saur D., Schubert B., and Menden M.P., 2021, Artificial intelligence in early drug discovery enabling precision medicine, Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 16(9): 991-1007. https://doi.org/10.1080/17460441.2021.1918096 PMid:34075855 Bhinder B., Gilvary C., Madhukar N.S., and Elemento O., 2021, Artificial intelligence in cancer research and precision medicine, Cancer Discov, 11 (4): 900-915. https://doi.org/10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-0090 PMid:33811123 PMCid:PMC8034385 Filipp F.V., 2019, Opportunities for artificial intelligence in advancing precision medicine, Curr. Genet Med. Rep., (7): 208-213. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40142-019-00177-4 PMid:31871830 PMCid:PMC6927552 Huang F., Yang H.F., and Zhu X., 2021, Progress in the application of artificial intelligence in new drug discovery, Yaoxue Jinzhan (Progress in Pharmaceutical Sciences), 45(7): 502-511. Hu H., and Wei W., 2021, Methods of molecular diagnosis and significance in breast cancer, Linchuang Waike Zazhi (Journal of Clinical Surgery), 29(3): 287-290. Liu Q., 2018, Artificial intelligence and drug discovery, Dier Junyi Daxue Xuebao (Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University), 39(8): 869-872. Liu Z.H., and Chen T.Y., 2021, Artificial intelligence: a new driving force for the development of medicine, Shengzhangbing Yu Touxi Shengyizhi Zazhi (Chinese Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis & Transplantation), 30(1): 1-6. Ullah M., Akbar A., and Yannarelli G., 2020, Applications of artificial intelligence in, early detection of cancer, clinical diagnosis and personalized medicine, Artif Intell Cancer, 1(2): 39-44. https://doi.org/10.35713/aic.v1.i2.39 Zhang R., and Xu F., 2020, Research on the ethical issues of artificial intelligence medicine and its countermeasures, Yixue Yu Zhexue (Medicine and Philosophy), (13): 14-19.