
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 16-23 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmms 18 Natural language processing is a technology that converts human language into computer understandable and processable language. In molecular medicine, natural language processing can be used to analyze and understand textual information such as literature, medical records, and clinical guidelines, thereby extracting and inferring medical knowledge. Reinforcement learning is a method of learning through trial and error and reward and punishment mechanisms. In molecular medicine, reinforcement learning can be used to optimize personalized treatment plans, develop intelligent drug delivery systems, and simulate molecular interactions. 1.2 Basic concepts and research contents of molecular medicine Molecular medicine is an interdisciplinary field based on research in fields such as molecular biology, genomics, and medicine, aiming to gain a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms of diseases and utilize them for disease diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. Researchers in molecular medicine focus on the function and regulation of genes and genomes, as well as the association between gene mutations and disease occurrence. In addition, finding and researching molecular markers related to diseases is also an important aspect, which can be used for disease diagnosis and prognosis prediction. Molecular medicine also utilizes molecular diagnostic methods such as gene sequencing and protein testing for early and accurate diagnosis of diseases (Hu and Wei, 2021). At the same time, molecular medicine is also committed to drug development and personalized treatment, by studying the interaction between drugs and target molecules, developing new drugs, and implementing personalized treatment strategies based on individual genomic information. Molecular medicine combines molecular biology and imaging techniques to visualize and evaluate the activity and distribution of disease occurrence areas through the use of labeled molecules. Overall, the goal of molecular medicine is to utilize molecular level knowledge and technology to gain a deeper understanding of diseases, thereby providing scientific basis for personalized medicine. 2 The History and Development of Gene Therapy 2.1 Early disease diagnosis Artificial intelligence (AI) has a wide range of applications in molecular medicine research, especially playing an important role in the early diagnosis of diseases. It can process a large amount of molecular biology, genomics, and clinical data through data analysis and pattern recognition, helping molecular medical researchers discover the correlation between diseases and molecular features. Additionally, AI can also be applied to the processing and analysis of biological images, using deep learning algorithms to swiftly analyze biological tissue slices or cell images. This facilitates the early detection of cancer by providing opportunities for identifying tumor targets (Figure 2) and supporting physicians in early cancer diagnosis (Bhinder et al., 2021). Figure 2 Application of artificial intelligence in tumor detection, diagnosis, and treatment