
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-7 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmms 7 tailored treatment plans can be devised for each patient. Strengthening collaboration among scientists, clinicians, ethicists, and legal experts is necessary, Considering fully consideration ethical, legal, and societal issues, and formulating appropriate policies and guidelines. In conclusion, gene editing and gene therapy hold significant promise in the treatment of genetic diseases. With ongoing technological advancements and deeper clinical research, gene editing and gene therapy are poised to play even more substantial roles in the future of treating genetic diseases, further enhancing the quality of life and health outcomes for patients. Acknowledgments Special thanks to Mrs. Xuan Jia and Mrs. Zhang Jie for their guidance and review of the paper. Many of their constructive comments have greatly contributed to the improvement of this research. References Hu S.H., Liu Q.Y., Xie D.C., and Huang J.J., 2022, Clinical research progress of CRISPR/Cas genome editing in the treatment of human genetic disorders, Shengming Kexue (Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences), 34(10): 1250-1263. Liao Y., Zeng X.L., and Yang J., 2022, Application progress of fmr1 gene in diagnosis and treatment of fragile x syndrome, medical recapitulate, (12): 2476-2481. https://doi.org/10.12677/ACM.2022.12121710 Li C.H., Hu B., Weng Y.H., and Huang Y.Y., 2019, current situation and clinical research progresses of gene therapy,Shengming Kexue Yiqi (Life Science Instruments), 17(4): 3-12. Li X., Chui W.T., and Li K., Research advances on techniques of gene editing and its application, Zhongguo Xumu Shouyi (China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine), 44(8): 2241-2247. Wang H.Y., Li P.F., Xu L.J., Zhang L.W., He C.H., Fan Y.L., Yu J.R., and Xu Z.H., 2021, Ethical governance of gene editing technology, Zhonguo Kexueyuan Yuankan (Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences), 36(11): 1259-1269. Yang X.Y., Wang D.Y., and Gao X., 2020, The Application of gene editing technology and cell therapy in in vitro gene therapy, Zhongguo Shengwu Huaxue Yu Fenzi Shengwu Xuebao (Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), 36(11): 1265-1272. Zhang F., Zong Y., MaW., Xu D., Wu J.Y., Construction of congenital heart disease key gene expression vector by Crispr/Cas9 technology, Lanzhou Daxue Xuebao (Journal of Lanzhou University (Medical Sciences)), 46(1): 72-76. Zhou L.J., Wang J.C., Gao H.B., and Zhao D.P., Gene therapy for monogenetic diseases, Keji Daobao (Science & Technology Review), 38(15): 89-100. Zhu B.y., Li L.X., Wang L.R., and Li D.l., 2019, Recent ex vivo gene therapy through genome editing, Zhonguo Xibao Shengwuxue Xuebao (Chinese Journal of Cell Biology), (4): 573-582.