
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 90-99 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmms 97 4.3 Complexity and difficulty of data integration Multi-omics data integration typically involves multiple data types, such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. These data types may have different characteristics and structures, requiring appropriate methods for integration. The complexity of data integration lies in how to merge information from different data types to obtain comprehensive and holistic insights. Multi-omics data are usually high-dimensional and large-scale, involving numerous variables and samples. Handling and analyzing such large-scale data require efficient computational methods and sufficient computational resources. Additionally, high-dimensional data face the curse of dimensionality, where increased dimensions can lead to difficulties in modeling and interpretation. Measurement methods and technical platforms from different data sources may lead to consistency issues between datasets. Moreover, data standardization is a significant challenge, as the same measurement indicators may have different units and scales across different data types and platforms. Ensuring consistency and standardization of data is a critical step in integrated analysis but requires appropriate data transformation and adjustment. In data integration, selecting appropriate algorithms and models to handle and analyze complex multi-omics data is a key issue. Due to the diversity of data types and structures, new algorithms and models need to be developed to adapt to different data integration scenarios. Additionally, model selection must consider the data characteristics, the objectives of the problem, and the need for interpretability. 4.4 Individual privacy and ethical issues Multi-omics data integration involves various sources and types of individual data, which may contain sensitive personal information, such as genetic sequences, disease status, and family history. Protecting the privacy of individual data is crucial to prevent unauthorized data access, misuse, and leakage. During the data integration process, appropriate confidentiality measures and data security mechanisms must be implemented to ensure that individual data privacy is adequately protected. To protect individual privacy, multi-omics data integration typically requires anonymization and de-identification processes. This involves removing or replacing personal identifiers and adopting other technical measures to reduce the risk of data re-identification. However, anonymization and de-identification are not foolproof, so careful consideration and assessment of privacy risks are necessary when handling individual data. In multi-omics data integration, researchers may need to share data to promote collaboration and enhance research effectiveness. However, data sharing must comply with legal and ethical requirements (Pang et al., 2021), including appropriate data use permissions, informed consent, and data access controls. Ensuring compliance with data sharing regulations helps protect individual privacy and maintain ethical standards. In multi-omics data integration, the use of individual data must be based on informed consent. Researchers need to explain the purpose, risks, and benefits of data usage to individuals and obtain their explicit consent. Additionally, individuals have the right to know how their data is being used and to have appropriate control over it. Ensuring individual rights and informed consent is a crucial aspect of protecting privacy and upholding ethical standards. 5 Summary and Outlook Multi-omics data integration holds extensive prospects for personalized therapy, but it also presents challenges that need to be addressed. By integrating various types of data, such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, more comprehensive and accurate individual characteristics and disease information can be obtained, aiding in precise diagnosis, personalized therapy, and drug development. Multi-omics data integration can provide vital information and guidance for personalized therapy. Using integrated data, doctors can better understand patients' genetic backgrounds, pathological mechanisms, and disease risks, allowing for the formulation of personalized treatment plans. In drug development, multi-omics data