
International Journal of Molecular Medical Science, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 90-99 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijmms 96 Personalized nutrition and lifestyle interventions can also play a significant role in individuals who already have certain diseases. By integrating multi-omics data, vulnerabilities to specific nutrients and lifestyle factors, as well as potential health risks, can be identified. Based on this information, personalized health management plans can be developed, including dietary, exercise, and psychological interventions targeted at specific diseases to improve patient health. 4 Challenges and Limitations of Multi-omics Data Integration 4.1 Data quality and consistency issues The quality of omics data is crucial for the accuracy and reliability of integration. The use of different laboratories, platforms, and technologies may lead to variations in data quality, such as measurement errors, systemic biases, and data loss. These issues can affect the reliability and comparability of the data, thereby impacting the accuracy of integration analysis and the interpretation of results (Menyhárt and Győrffy, 2021). Multi-omics data often come from various sources, such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. These data may use different experimental designs, technical platforms, and analytical methods, leading to inconsistencies between datasets. These inconsistencies may include imbalances between different data levels, heterogeneity in data types, and inconsistencies in measurement units. These issues increase the complexity of data integration and affect the results of comprehensive analyses. Ensuring the matching and consistency of samples in multi-omics data integration is crucial for interpreting results. For example, in the integration of genomic and transcriptomic data, it is important to ensure the consistency of genotype information with nucleic acid expression data. Additionally, sample selection and matching should consider biological variations, disease states, and treatment histories to avoid potential confounding effects and misleading results. Multi-omics data typically exist in large-scale and high-dimensional forms, presenting challenges in data storage and management. Moreover, due to the diversity of data sources and the complexity of comprehensive analyses, effective data sharing and communication are also essential. Therefore, establishing appropriate data storage and sharing strategies, as well as promoting data exchange and collaboration, becomes a challenge. 4.2 Data missingness and incompleteness Multi-omics data may contain missing data, where certain variables or observations are not recorded or collected. Missing data can result from limitations in experimental techniques, defects in experimental design, or issues in sample processing workflows. Missing data lead to information loss and reduced sample size, decreasing data reliability and interpretability. Apart from missing data, multi-omics data may also have issues of data incompleteness, where information on certain variables or observations is incomplete or inaccurate. This can result from data recording errors, data processing errors, or other experimental or technical issues. Data incompleteness can cause inaccuracies in analysis and biases in results. In the presence of missing and incomplete data, handling these issues becomes crucial. Common approaches include deleting missing data, imputing missing data, or using specialized algorithms for handling missing data. However, these methods come with their own limitations and assumptions and may impact analysis results. Therefore, choosing an appropriate method for handling missing data requires careful consideration and should align with the data characteristics and analysis objectives. Missingness and incompleteness in multi-omics data can lead to dataset imbalance, where the quantity and quality of different data groups are inconsistent. This can affect the reliability of analysis and the interpretation of results, especially in cases involving classification or modeling. Thus, appropriate strategies are needed to address data imbalance, such as data resampling and adjustment.