
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 63-65 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 65 4 Concluding Remarks The ORBITA-COSMIC trial provides preliminary evidence that coronary sinus miniators (CSR) may have clinical benefits in patients with refractory angina, particularly in terms of improving patients' symptoms, rather than in improving myocardial blood flow. Although there was no significant improvement in the main physiological measures, the effect in reducing angina attacks suggests that CSR can be used as a useful supplement to existing treatment options. These results underscore the importance of continuing to explore the role of CSR in cardiovascular therapy and point to directions for future research, including expanding sample sizes, extending follow-up, and exploring its mechanisms of action. The study also raises the possibility of a broader application of CSR strategies, especially for patients whose symptoms have not been effectively alleviated by traditional treatments. 5 Access Original Paper Foley, M.J., Rajkumar, C.A., Ahmed-Jushuf, F., et al. Coronary sinus reducer for the treatment of refractory angina (ORBITA-COSMIC): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial, The Lancet, 403(10436). 1543-1553 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00256-3 Acknowledgement I am heartily grateful to the journal The Lancet for its open access policy, which facilitates the dissemination of scientific knowledge and enables a better understanding of the latest academic advances in the field of cardiovascular disease research. Thanks to Michael J Foley and his team members for their hard work and unremitting efforts for providing valuable information for exploring cardiovascular treatment options.