
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 63-65 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 64 Figure 2 The ORBITA-COSMIC test primary outcomes Note: (A) Individual patient data for the primary endpoint (stress MBF) in segments designated ischaemic at enrolment; (B) Individual patient data for the primary symptom endpoint (daily angina episodes), reported via the ORBITA smartphone symptom application; (C) Odds ratio for reduction in daily angina episodes for CSR versus placebo. CSR=coronary sinus reducer. MBF=myocardial blood flow 3 Evaluation of the Research This study demonstrates the high standards of clinical trials with its sophisticated design and execution, particularly in the search for innovative therapies in the field of cardiovascular disease. By using a double-blind, randomized controlled approach, the study ensured the objectivity and reliability of the data, minimizing bias. Despite the rigorous design, the results of the study did not show an effect of CSR in improving myocardial blood flow, which may be related to the small sample size of the study and the short follow-up period. The study was limited to a specific patient population (i.e., those with no other treatment options), which may limit the general applicability of the results. Overall, this study provides important preliminary data for the cardiovascular field and supports further evaluation of the value of CSR in broader clinical practice.