
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 87-93 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 92 personalized healthcare, enabling doctors to better understand the patient's genetic background and develop more precise treatment plans. The feasibility of genetic testing is also reflected in its potential applications for prevention and early screening, helping people better understand their own disease risks and adopt more targeted health management measures. However, genetic testing faces a series of challenges. Ethical and privacy issues are important considerations in the field of genetic testing. The sensitivity of individual genetic information means that a sound privacy protection mechanism needs to be established to prevent the misuse or leakage of genetic data. In addition, the interpretation and communication of genetic testing results also require professional genetic counseling to ensure that the patients fully understand the test results and avoid unnecessary psychological pressure or misunderstandings. Another challenge is the standardization and normalization of genetic testing. At present, the standardization level of genetic testing is relatively low, and different laboratories may use different testing methods and technical standards, resulting in inconsistent results. This affects the reliability and reproducibility of genetic testing results to a certain extent, and it is necessary to establish more unified quality control standards and processes to ensure that the results of genetic testing can remain consistent in different environments. The clinical interpretation and application of genetic testing also require more in-depth research. Although there are some clear evidences of the association between genes and diseases, there are still many cases in practice where the function and clinical significance of gene mutations are unclear. This makes it possible for doctors to face uncertainties in interpreting results in practice, and more research is needed to reveal a more precise relationship between genetic variants and disease. 4 Summary and Outlook This study reveals the fact that individual differences in drug response are closely related to genetic factors by delving into the association between drug toxicity and specific genetic variations. The types and mechanisms of drug toxicity involve multiple organ systems, including the liver, cardiovascular system, and immune system. The variation of specific genes affects drug metabolism, transport, and target interactions, providing new directions for developing effective prevention and treatment strategies. Key genes such as the CYP family and transporter family play crucial roles in drug metabolism pathways. By delving deeper into the functions and variations of these genes, doctors can more accurately predict an individual's metabolic rate towards specific drugs. The genetic variation of the CYPfamily may lead to an increase or decrease in the activity of drug metabolism enzymes, thereby affecting the clearance rate of drugs in the body. Meanwhile, genetic variations in the transporter family also play a crucial role in the absorption and distribution of drugs in the body. In the study of genetic markers, the interpretation and standardization of markers is one of the main challenges currently faced, which requires further research to clarify the specific relationship between gene variation and drug effects. Personalized therapy has achieved success in some fields, such as targeted drugs and immunotherapy in cancer treatment. By delving deeper into individual genetic information, doctors can better predict patient reactions to drugs and develop more accurate treatment plans. However, the clinical application of personalized therapy still faces ethical, privacy, and standardization issues. Future research should pay more attention to combining genetic testing with practical treatment, promoting personalized therapy to be more deeply applied in a wider range of disease fields. There is a close correlation between drug toxicity and specific genetic variations, and an individual's genotype directly affects their metabolism and response to drugs. This provides a scientific foundation for personalized healthcare and opens up new doors for developing more personalized and precise treatment plans. Looking ahead to the future, it is foreseeable that genetic testing technology will continue to develop rapidly, with further cost reduction and improved detection efficiency and accuracy. This will promote the widespread application of