
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 87-93 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 91 These genetic markers play a crucial role in the individual's response to drugs, profoundly influencing the effectiveness and safety of drug therapy. The enzymes encoded by the CYP family play a core role in drug metabolism pathways, and variations in gene markers may lead to an increase or decrease in drug metabolism enzyme activity, thereby affecting the speed of drug clearance. For example, the labeling of genes such as CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 is closely related to the efficacy and adverse reactions of various drugs. Individuals can be classified into different types of drug metabolism based on their genotype, such as those with high metabolism, normal metabolism, or slow metabolism, which helps predict differences in patient response to specific drugs. In addition to gene markers of drug metabolism enzymes, transporter gene markers are also important factors affecting an individual's drug response. The ABCB1 (P-gp) gene marker in the ABC family, as well as markers in the SLC family, such as OATP1B1, are involved in drug absorption, distribution, and excretion. The variation of these genetic markers may lead to changes in the structure or function of transport proteins, thereby affecting the drug transport process in vivo (Mikko et al., 2021). 3.2 Clinical success cases of personalized therapy Personalized therapy has achieved a series of exciting success cases in clinical practice. The successful cases of personalized therapy highlight the crucial role of a deep understanding of the complex relationship between genes and drugs in medical progress. By delving deeper into the genetic information of patients, the medical community can more accurately select the treatment plan that best suits the individual characteristics of patients. By gaining a deeper understanding of the patient's tumor genotype, doctors can develop more precise treatment plans, thereby improving the targeting and efficacy of treatment. In clinical practice, some cancer patients with specific gene mutations have benefited from personalized therapy. For example, HER2 positive breast cancer patients have achieved significant survival advantages by using anti HER2 targeted drugs, such as Herceptin and Trastuzumab (Li et al., 2022). Similarly, non-small cell lung cancer patients with positive EGFR mutations exhibit excellent therapeutic responses to EGFR inhibitors such as gefitinib and ecytinib (Liu et al., 2022). Another successful case is immunotherapy in the field of leukemia. CAR-T cell therapy is an personalized therapy method that involves obtaining the patient's own T cells, genetically modifying them to have stronger anti-tumor ability, and then re implanting them into the patient's body (Shunsuke et al., 2021). This treatment method has shown astonishing efficacy in some leukemia patients, enabling some patients with advanced diseases that are difficult to cure to achieve long-term remission (Figure 2). Figure 2 Trafficking and infiltration of tumors (Sterner and Sterner, 2021) 3.3 The feasibility and challenges of genetic testing Genetic testing, as an advanced medical technology, has broad feasibility. With the rapid development of genetic testing technology, its cost is gradually decreasing and efficiency is constantly improving, making it affordable and beneficial for more patients to access individual genetic information. This provides strong support for