
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 79-86 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 84 Imatinib, as a milestone drug in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia, is a highly effective therapeutic option for CML patients. However, treatment strategies need to be individually tailored based on the patient's condition and treatment response to ensure optimal therapeutic outcomes. 3.2 Success of Osimertinib in lung cancer Osimertinib is a targeted therapy drug widely used in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), especially in patients with epidermal growth factor receptor mutations. The application of Osimertinib has achieved significant success in the treatment of lung cancer (Figure 4). Figure 4 Before and after comparison of Osimertinib in the treatment for lung cancer The primary function of Osimertinib is to inhibit EGFR mutations, especially some common EGFR T790M mutations. These mutations are prevalent in NSCLC, particularly when patients develop resistance after receiving other EGFR inhibitors. Osimertinib inhibits the EGFR kinase activity associated with these mutations, disrupting the growth signals of cancer cells, thereby extending the patient's overall survival. The application of Osimertinib allows many NSCLC patients with EGFR mutations to effectively manage issues related to treatment resistance. Previous EGFR inhibitor treatments might lead to the emergence of resistant mutations like T790M, but Osimertinib can successfully suppress these resistant mutations, allowing patients to continue benefiting from the treatment (Zhang and Liu, 2022). The use of Osimertinib has significantly improved the treatment response and survival rates of patients with EGFR-positive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Studies indicate that, compared to traditional EGFR inhibitors, Osimertinib can provide a longer progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). Its successful application underscores the importance of personalized medicine. Based on the patient's EGFR mutation status, doctors can tailor the most suitable treatment plan for each patient, enhancing treatment effectiveness. Osimertinib has lower side effects, allowing more patients to undergo long-term treatment, thereby extending survival while maintaining a higher quality of life. This provides a more effective treatment option, especially for those patients who have developed resistance. This success highlights the potential of targeted treatment strategies, emphasizing the importance of personalized and mutation-specific treatments, bringing hope to lung cancer patients. 3.3 Comparison of targeted therapy and traditional treatment Compared to traditional treatment methods, targeted therapy has several significant advantages and distinctions in the treatment of cancer and other diseases. Targeted therapy intervenes more precisely in disease-related biomolecules or signaling pathways, aiming at key factors of the disease more accurately compared to traditional treatment methods. This reduces damage to normal cells, alleviating the toxic side effects of treatment. The application of targeted therapy typically relies on the specific molecular characteristics of patients, such as genetic variations or biomarkers. This means treatment plans can be better tailored to meet the disease characteristics of each patient, enhancing treatment effectiveness.