
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-13 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 6 3) Osseointegration: While osseointegration cannot be definitively assessed through this scan image, the bone structure around the implants seems to show no apparent defects or abnormalities, which is generally a positive sign. 4) Implant-bone relationship: The implants seem to be well-integrated into the alveolar bone, with no obvious excessive gaps or spaces, suggesting good initial stability. 5) Soft tissue condition: The health of soft tissues (such as the gums) is not easily assessable in the image, but there are no apparent signs of soft tissue swelling or abnormalities. 6) Impact on surrounding Teeth: The natural teeth surrounding the implants do not appear to be affected, indicating no damage to the teeth due to the implant surgery. 7) Overall occlusion: It is difficult to evaluate whether the overall occlusion relationship is affected after crown installation on this image, which requires clinical evaluation and patient functional feedback. Figure 3 The CT scan image on October 2, 2015 shows the condition of the implant Based on the images, the implant surgery appears to have proceeded smoothly. However, the ultimate success will depend on the subsequent degree of osseointegration and the functionality and aesthetic outcomes after the installation of the crowns. The patient should continue with regular follow-ups to monitor the stability of the implants and the health status of the periodontium. For a more precise evaluation, clinical examinations by dental professionals and possible further assessments are necessary. 3.3 Crown fabrication and adaptation After the implant stability was achieved, the fabrication and adaptation of the dental crowns were carried out. The design of the crowns took into consideration both aesthetic and functional requirements, utilizing all-ceramic materials to replicate the color and transparency of natural teeth. The production process of the crowns involved digital impression technology to ensure a precise fit with the implants. During the adaptation process, subtle adjustments were made to the crowns to ensure the patient's comfort and bite effectiveness (Xia, 2022). In the CT scan images from September 11, 2016 (Figure 4; Figure 5), the following professional assessments based on visual information can be made: 1) Completed implants and crown restorations: Crowns have been installed on all visible implants, indicating that the patient's oral restoration process is essentially complete.