
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 55-62 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 61 VKORC1 genotype typically require lower doses of warfarin to achieve therapeutic effects due to their heightened sensitivity to the anticoagulant effects of warfarin. Understanding the CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotypes of patients assists doctors in individualizing the dosage of warfarin. This ensures that patients maintain a stable anticoagulant state during treatment, reducing the risk of unnecessary bleeding or clotting events. Additionally, personalized dosage adjustments can enhance the effectiveness of warfarin therapy, ensuring patients achieve optimal treatment outcomes. 3.3 Relationship between NAT2 gene polymorphism and isoniazid metabolism There is a close association between NAT2 gene polymorphism and the metabolism of isoniazid. NAT2 is an enzyme involved in drug metabolism, playing a crucial role in the metabolism of isoniazid. The polymorphism in this gene results in variations among individuals in the metabolism rate and efficiency of isoniazid, directly influencing the efficacy and safety of the drug. The NAT2 gene comprises multiple alleles, and these alleles encode different levels of NAT2 enzyme activity. Based on their NAT2 genotype, individuals can be categorized into different metabolizer types, including rapid metabolizers, intermediate metabolizers, and slow metabolizers. These metabolizer types have a direct impact on the effectiveness of isoniazid therapy. Individuals with highly active NAT2 alleles typically fall into the category of rapid metabolizers. They can metabolize isoniazid more quickly, meaning that isoniazid is metabolized rapidly in their bodies. As a result, they usually require higher drug doses to maintain therapeutic effectiveness. Intermediate metabolizers have NAT2 genotypes that lie between those of rapid and slow metabolizers. Their isoniazid metabolism rate is moderate, usually requiring moderate drug doses. Slow metabolizers typically carry low-activity NAT2 alleles, resulting in a slower metabolism of isoniazid. This implies that they may experience stronger therapeutic effects with the same dose of isoniazid but also increases the risk of adverse reactions (Xu et al., 2022). NAT2 gene polymorphism plays a significant role in the metabolism of isoniazid. The genotype of individual patients determines their metabolism rate of isoniazid, directly influencing the therapeutic effectiveness and safety of the drug. This underscores the importance of personalized medicine in drug treatment to meet the unique needs of different patients. 4 Summary and Outlook Research on genetic polymorphism in drug-metabolizing enzymes has had profound implications in medicine and clinical practice, emphasizing its crucial role in personalized healthcare. The impact of genetic polymorphism in drug-metabolizing enzyme genes on drug metabolism rate and effects cannot be ignored. Individuals with different genotypes may require varying drug doses to achieve therapeutic effects, a phenomenon particularly notable in the treatment of drugs like warfarin. Understanding a patient's genotype can assist healthcare professionals in optimizing drug dosage, ensuring both the effectiveness and safety of the treatment. Genetic polymorphism in drug-metabolizing enzyme genes directly influences the safety and occurrence of adverse reactions to medications. An individual's genotype can determine whether they are more prone to experiencing toxic reactions to drugs. Therefore, personalized dosage adjustments not only contribute to improving treatment efficacy but also help mitigate the risk of adverse reactions, providing patients with safer healthcare. Additionally, understanding drug-metabolizing enzyme gene polymorphism aids doctors in selecting medications that are better suited for individual patients. Based on a patient's genotype, physicians can opt for drugs unrelated to specific metabolic enzymes, ensuring treatment consistency. This offers patients better therapeutic options while reducing unnecessary trials and errors (Zhang and Cai, 2018). Personalized medicine is currently entering an exciting era. With the continuous advancements in genetic sequencing technology, doctors will be able to understand patients' genotypes more accurately, leading to improved personalized treatment plans. This will make personalized medicine more routine, with widespread genetic testing and applications becoming a reality. As the cost decreases and technology improves, genetic