
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 55-62 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 59 Phenotypic polymorphism is particularly crucial in the context of drug metabolism. The metabolic capabilities of different individuals can vary significantly, leading to differences in the rate at which drugs are metabolized in the body. This variability can influence the efficacy and toxicity of drugs, as excessively rapid or slow metabolism may alter drug concentrations and clearance rates. Phenotypic polymorphism is also associated with an individual's sensitivity to drugs. Some individuals may be more sensitive to a particular drug, requiring lower doses to achieve therapeutic effects, while others may be less responsive and need higher doses (Vyhlidalova et al., 2019). Phenotypic polymorphism among individuals can lead to varied drug effects and adverse reactions. Some individuals may exhibit favorable therapeutic responses to drugs, while others may experience adverse reactions, potentially attributed to their physiological characteristics and metabolic capabilities. Phenotypic polymorphism also plays a role in disease susceptibility. Certain phenotypic traits may render individuals more prone to specific diseases, thereby influencing their treatment needs and responses. 2.3 Clinical significance and individual differences There is a close connection between clinical significance and individual differences, as individual variations directly impact diagnosis, treatment, and health management in medical and clinical practices. The concept of personalized medicine has progressively become a cornerstone in modern medicine to better address the health needs of diverse individuals, enhance medical efficacy, and reduce adverse reactions. Individual differences underscore the shift towards personalized treatment in the field of medicine. Each patient is unique, with variations in their genotype, physiological traits, metabolic capabilities, and disease risks. Therefore, devising personalized treatment plans is crucial to ensuring that patients achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes. Individual differences play a crucial role in drug therapy. The metabolism rate and response to the same drug may vary among different individuals. Therefore, understanding an individual's drug metabolism capacity and sensitivity is paramount in determining the correct dosage and type of medication, aiming to maximize treatment efficacy and minimize adverse reactions. Individual differences also impact susceptibility to specific diseases. Some individuals may be more prone to certain diseases due to genetic, lifestyle, or environmental factors, necessitating personalized risk assessment and preventive measures. Understanding individual differences can aid in early disease diagnosis and screening. For instance, based on individual genetic risk factors, early cancer screenings or disease risk assessments can be conducted to detect and intervene in potential health issues sooner. Clinicians can utilize information about individual differences to monitor a patient's response to treatment. This helps determine treatment effectiveness, the need for adjustments, and assists in devising more suitable treatment plans. Understanding individual differences contributes to better health management. This includes tailoring appropriate prevention and health maintenance plans for individuals based on their genetic traits and lifestyle factors, aiming to reduce potential health risks. 3 Clinical Case Study 3.1 CYP2D6 gene polymorphism and antidepressant response There exists a close relationship between CYP2D6 gene polymorphism and the response to antidepressant drugs. CYP2D6 is a cytochrome P450 enzyme responsible for metabolizing a variety of antidepressant medications (Figure 3). The polymorphism of this gene results in varying abilities of different individuals to metabolize drugs, thereby influencing the concentration and efficacy of the drugs within the body. Individuals with different CYP2D6 genotypes are categorized into different metabolic types, including rapid metabolizers, intermediate metabolizers, and poor metabolizers. Rapid metabolizers typically possess highly active CYP2D6 alleles, resulting in faster drug metabolism. Conversely, poor metabolizers usually have low-activity alleles, leading to slower drug metabolism. These differences have a significant impact on the response to antidepressant medications (Ping et al., 2022).